Tuesday, March 29, 2011

that's enough...

breastfeeding...soy here we come.
Clearly last night was not much different than the night before since I have decided it has to be all or nothing. The bigger difference last night was Eddie didn't nurse well at all. I felt like a pacifier! And he really isn't so into a true pacifier, so I didn't have another option.

So by 5am when Ed was leaving for work, I told him I was done. I can't go through the trying soy formula and pumping until we know if it is the answer or not. So, I was started soy formula and started to let the breasts dry up. Luckily the Pediatrician had given us a sample of Prosobee (Enfamil Soy) when we were at the office yesterday. If soy isn't the answer then we will try the other more expensive pre-digested formulas (Alimentum or Nutramagen) so hoping Soy is our saving grace yet again.

It is a little sad to stop breastfeeding, because until Sunday night it was going well. Other than the nipple shield need of course. When I pumped on Monday, I had a severe difference in supply between my left and right breast as well, which I think Eddie was catching onto. He didn't want to stay on the right because it ran out so quickly (1-1.5 oz). Whereas the left had at least 3-4 oz at a crack. But I have decided as much as I want to be super mom and breastfeed because it is best, it clearly isn't best for my children. And my sanity needs to come into the picture here at some point too. As my husband said this morning, clearly my breastmilk is toxic to our children! Therefore, if there would ever be another child added to this family, I will absolutely not breastfeed and start with soy from the first feeding. (NO, we are not talking about more kids already, if anything we are thinking we are done, but time will tell, it's only been a little over 2 weeks)


Lisa said...

Maybe you should try Lactofree. That worked for us. My breastmilk was toxic to Mason too.

Katie said...

How frustrating I'm sure. You gave it a great shot. Hoping that Eddie is more comfortable with soy and you can catch some sleep! I do not miss the drying up process...big ouch. Ibuprofen works wonders.

You have quite the cute baby boy...he is just perfect!

Cora said...

Your EBM isn't toxic, but maybe just not best for Eddie right now. Remember, you've given his immune system a great 2 week boost. I hope the soy fixes things quickly!

Tammy Sue said...

Sorry to hear, but you gave Eddie a great start!! Hope you can get some rest and get on track w/being the mommy of 2. And I just can't get over how much he looks like you!!