Monday, March 14, 2011

random ramblings

So, when Rowan was born, I didn't know how one could have enough love for more than one child. She has been the center of our universe for 2 1/2 years now, and I am revisiting how this 2 children idea is going to pan out. Not that we have a choice or anything now, a little late I guess.

But now, I am not concerned about having enough love for another child, but instead Rowan having to share us! Tonight will be the first night that Rowan will be without both of us overnight (unless she is that sad, then Ed will go stay with her and my mom will stay at hospital with me) and I feel guilty! I am sure she will be fine, and she won't remember this, but I don't want her to feel unimportant!

On another note, this morning I was an emotional wreck! Just the idea that I was leaving Rowan to go bring another child into this world. Rowan came running out of her room this morning before we left with her shoes and clothes, ready to go see the baby. It was entirely too cute, I bawled! I couldn't believe that she even remembered us talking about it last night. So then I proceeded to cry almost the entire way to the hospital. And of course a little breakdown just now and I am typing.

And that is my story!


Cora said...

Oh Megan, I remember feeling the exact same way. Just remember that the gift of having a sibling to experience life with is far greater than the loss of having to share you & Ed.

There will be difficult moments, but she is going to just ADORE this baby!

Crystal said...

I'm teary just reading this...Megan you and Ed are amazing parents to Rowan and your love will just be double now that you have two babies! Rowan will be a wonderful big sister...a great helper!

Tammy Sue said...

Exactly what i was wondering....but Cora is totally right!