Friday, March 18, 2011

My apologies...

Just a quick post to let you all know that we are alive and well.

I am apologizing to my fellowing blogging friends with new babies in the last year that I continuously pressured for updates constantly. Clearly I forgot about the lack of sleep that comes along with newborns! Only this time I have a newborn and a toddler. But we are alive, and I really hope to get a caught up on my posting by the end of the weekend. Although we have a weekend full of visitors, and hopefully some napping before Ed goes back to work next week. Not looking forward to that at all!

In a nutshell, all is well here! Big sister loves her brother and has been doing pretty well with all the changes. I definitely blame her cold for some of her increased sassiness. But it is just the beginning!

Updates to come!


Katie said...

This made me laugh...I was seriously going to bug you about your lack of updating as it was not that long ago that I felt the pressure ;) It's funny how fast you forget how hard having a newborn is. I can't imagine having a toddler too!

Tammy Sue said...

hahaha!! great admission! ; ) can't wait for more pics and updates! but sleep is waaaaay more important and we get that. when your ready and able.....; )

Lisa said...

No excuses!! Nobody told you to have a toddler and a baby, you did that to yourself. I remember you saying some sassy words like that to me before you had kids ;) I will never forget that!

Crystal said...

Glad to hear that all is well in the Smith household! Hoping to come visit soon! Let me know when you're ready!

Cora said...

Mmmmm hmmmm, I'm not going to say anything on this one. Glad you understand the other side now :-)

Never knew how easy just having one baby was, did you? Live and learn. So glad that all is well, and we can't wait to see more pics of the little man...but can wait of course!

Nicole said...

At least you're willing to admit it :-) Hope you're able to get some sleep, and looking forward to the update.