Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Homeward bound...

Well, we made it home by about 5:30pm, which we didn't think was going to be possible. The PM shift nurse came in the room and acted like there was so much to be done for discharge still and that it would be awhile. Luckily she got some help from a co-worker to get Eddie's things done, while she finished up the discharge teaching and information with us! And before we knew it, we were out the door.

I had mixed feelings about leaving the hospital at just over 24 hours post delivery. I really just wanted to get home to Rowan the most and get things more 'regular' for her. But I was hesitant to not take advantage of one more night in the hospital. But who am I kidding, you don't sleep in the hospital, and they weren't doing anything for me there that I or Ed couldn't do at home.

It was rare to see the little man with his eyes open, so here are a few pictures of the few times he was awake and not eating.
And into the car we go! First car ride!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

He's adorable :)