Monday, March 14, 2011

D Day

We arrived at the hospital this morning at 7am, IV was started with pitocin running by 8am.

Girl name discussions began....still undecided but with a working list! Took a short walk in the hall as my buttocks has already gone numb from sitting in this super comfortable bed. And Ed is bored already of course too!

Nurse first checked my cervix at 930am, 2.5 cm dilated, head is very low! Doctor was here to break my bag of water at 1030am. Anesthesia is called, and hope to have epidural within the next half hour!

Addendum: Epidural was placed at 1115am! All is well. Will have foley catheter put in soon (drains my bladder since I can no longer get out of bed) and have my cervix checked again.

1200: Foley catheter is in. Cervix is at about 4 cm, but has rotated to the front. My right leg is pretty numb. Not feeling much of anything anymore! Plan to wait about an hour or two before checking progress again. Unless of course I feel something different or baby decides we need to intervene.

115p: Baby might have been a bit naughty, too comfortable, so the nurse checked me again, almost 5cm. Tried to see which way the baby was facing, only because the nurse thought we would be progressing a bit faster due to the increased 'bloody show'. Hard to tell! Just keep changing positions to keep things moving. Time will tell!

150p: Nurse came in to put an internal monitor on the baby because his/her heartrate has had a lower baseline (105-115) since epidural and despite position changes. Heartrate is now 125+. So it is reading better than the external monitor. And after she was done putting this monitor on, I am 7cm! Epidural is working, but sort of in a weird way. My right leg is super numb, left leg tingly, but feeling more of the contractions. NOthing unbareable, but feeling more. This epidural is a PCEA (patient controlled epidural anethesia) so I have a continuous low dose of medication infusing, but I also have a button I can push to give me extra medicine to keep me comfortable.

215p: Nurse came in to check me another time, and I am complete aka 10 cm. She called the doctor's office to make sure she was on her way.

235p: Start to push...
2:44p: baby is born...It's A....


Crystal said...

AHHHHH! So excited! Keep the posts and pics coming! I will keep checking in! :)

karen said...

This is exciting! Can't wait to see the little "Smith Boy or Girl"

Cora said...

Love the updates as you go! Don't you hate those hospital beds!?! Good luck Mama.

Crystal said...

Don't forget we want LOT'S of pictures...when you have time that is ;-)

Cora said...

For real? You didn't even push for 10 minutes! You're a rock star!