Monday, March 28, 2011

2 Weeks Old

Not really sure where to start with this post...

We were into the Pediatrician this evening for a 2 week weight check, and the little porker was 7 pounds 14 ounces! That is a 1 pound 6 oz weight gain in 10 days! Yipee, the breastmilk works...or does it?
That being said, we had a very rough night last night. The boy did not sleep from 9p-5a! More than a 30 min cat nap anyway. He would nurse, fall asleep, I would put him down, and 5 minutes later he was grunting and groaning and crying out. Pick him up, check his diaper, feed him again, fall asleep again, put him down, and same thing. In addition to all of this, he has had some explosive gassy poops all night, and a sore butt.

So finally at 3am, I gave in and popped open a can of Similac Sensitive (for gassiness/fussiness/lactose intolerance) which is just a can that I had at home. It was either that or pack Eddie up and head to Walmart at 3am, and that wasn't a very appealing option. So I was going to try formula all day, and pump and discuss with the Pediatrician our options or causes at our appointment that evening.

Of course he took the formula fine, and slept pretty good during the day, and it was super annoying to have to pump (even though I was considering starting to pump once a day to start building up the supply for when I go back to work). I actually missed nursing him during the day too.

So our questions for the pediatrician were, how long would we have to try formula before noticing a difference, and is Similac Sensitive an okay option or should we go the soy route? Well first strike, Similac Sensitive is a milk based formula, so I wasted my time with that today. It clearly didn't fix anything if it was essentially the same as breastfeeding. And the Pediatrician is pro-breastfeeding of course, especially if that is what we want to do. So he recommended I continue breastfeeding and maybe it was just something I ate. Of course if this continues and we feel we need to try Soy formula, he was open to that as well. Though he is of the mind set that if it is a milk protein sensitivity, generally they steer away from soy as well. But since Soy worked for Rowan, if we wanted to try that first, we could. So we left the doctors office deciding that we would go back to breastfeeding at this point.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

That is true what he said about a milk protein allergy to stay away from soy too. That's why we did Lactofree. Just another option for you before spending all the money on Nutramigen or Alimentum.