Monday, February 14, 2011

thirty-five weeks

Blood Pressure: 100/56
Heart Rate: 135
Cervix: 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced
GBS swab done
Weight: gained another 4 pounds (I think) since last appointment, putting us at a total of 37 pounds thus far (don't worry Molly, I am going to hit your goal for my total weight gain!)

Forgot how painful having my cervix checked was....just about crawled off the table!

Doctor is sure that the baby's head is down. She was telling us how she thought the baby was positioned because when I laid back on the table, my belly was completely lopsided. So the baby's back was to my left, with head down.

Ed came to this appointment with us because I wasn't sure how I would control Rowan with my clothing removed from the waist down! Good thing he was there, let's just say that. This was the first time he met the MD too, the other ultrasound appointments he was at, we didn't meet with the MD. And of course, we were in the waiting room for 30+ minutes before even getting into an exam room (supposedly the MD had to do a procedure) but it is annoying waiting that long, especially with a toddler!

Anyway, despite the length of the appointment, everything went well. I thought I had to go weekly from here on out, but she said technically I could skip 36 weeks and start weekly from 37 weeks. So after today's cervix check, I think I am going to cancel next weeks appointment (it was going to affect my sleeping after working night shift too) and revisit her on the 37 week mark!


Tammy Sue said...

getting so close to meeting that little bambino ; ) how exciting!! i am excited to see what your having even tho I already know ; )

Cora said...

Ah yes, I certainly don't miss those cervix checks! Just be happy yours started in the end, mine started week 24!