Sunday, February 13, 2011

bad habits, blisters, and shopping

Saturday morning Rowan had her Uncle Dusty and Aunt Julie up bright and early as usual. We had some breakfast, and Uncle Dusty got roped into some coloring which he in exchange started some bad habits. Rowan is into tracing hands when she colors, well Uncle Dusty thought he would trace her feet, and continued to put her on the kitchen table to do so. It didn't seem like a bad idea at the time, but the rest of the weekend Rowan kept climbing onto the table and then summoning someone to come trace her feet. Not safe! We came to realize that morning, that Rowan got her crazy hair and dimples from her Uncle Dusty! Too cute!

Then while the boys got to work with sanding and mudding (after a trip to Menards bright and early), us ladies showered and got ready to head to the mall for some shopping. Rowan was nosey and bothering Aunt Julie while she was putting on her makeup, so Rowan got a personal lesson on makeup application (perhaps I should have listened in!) Rowan was a good girl at the mall. Always concerned where Aunt Julie was, and wanted to hold Aunt Julie's hand, or be carried by Aunt Julie. Poor Aunt Julie!
We were home in time for lunch with the boys. They took a short break to eat and then were back at it. Us ladies then took advantage of some rest and relaxation. We felt a bit guilty, but what else were we to do. Had to be quiet while Rowan was napping!

While the second coat of mud was drying the men showered and we made a nice steak dinner. Their blisters were able to swell up in time to sand for a final time! I have never swept my kitchen so much in my life, but the basement was covered in dust and there was no way to prevent it from coming up stairs. Oh well. Not looking forward to cleaning up the basement covered in white!
Needless to say, after 2 days, we are very grateful for Uncle Dusty's help in the basement. Ed did a little bit of touch up on Sunday, and cleaning up, and now the room is ready for primer and paint! Not something we are looking forward to, but the idea of the room being complete before baby #2 arrives is now for sure a possibility. As you can see by the bottom left picture, Ed and Dusty claimed that they had to keep drinking beer to swallow down all the drywall dust, despite the masks they wore!

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