Monday, February 7, 2011

34 weeks

As I was sitting at work this weekend, I was holding babies that were just about the same gestation as the little one in my belly, and I just couldn't fathom that something that big is squished inside of me. It really is crazy. Even crazier are the lack of days left before we will meet this little bambino! Although I am quite ready! Just need to get out the rest of the big things and get them washed (carseat/bouncy seat/swing etc.) I have been putting it off because I know they will become Rowan's new toys once they are out in the open!

Off to the doctor next week, and then weekly from there!

Sort of wishing I would have done a post about guessing the babies gender instead of the poll on the side of the blog, because then I can see who is guessing what. I can't believe all of the boy guesses. Ed is dead set that it is another girl. I really don't know; despite all the boy signs, it would just be too easy to have one of each gender right away. But quite convenient! Just waiting for the healthy baby to join our quaint little family and stir things up!


Cora said...

How in the heck are you 34 weeks already!?! We may need to take a road trip to come and meet little Eddy. FYI, I guessed boy in the poll.

Crystal said...

AHHHHH! Look at your belly :) I can't wait for Baby Smith to get here!!!

Nicole said...

We want to take a road trip too! I can't believe you only have 6 weeks to go. You're still looking great...keep it up :-)

Tammy Sue said...

another perfect belly post ; ) megan, you really are too cute....

carolyn said...

i voted girl...that was my initial feeling, but i'm not quite sure...can't wait to find out.