Monday, February 28, 2011

37 weeks...and a plan!

Where to begin?

Doctor visit went well today, as usual. Although today's was actually timely too, which is new in the last few visits!

Blood Pressure: 110/60
Fundal height: appropriate
Cervical check: a 'loose' 1cm and 50% effaced (so essentially the same as at 35 week check)
Heart Rate: 140

The GBS swab I had done at 35 weeks came back negative! Yipee! No need for antibiotics during labor! Then we got the usual, call if you feel a gush of water, any bleeding, contractions 5 minutes apart for an hour, cal the office if it is during office hours, if not go right to the hospital. Then she asked if we had any questions.

Which is when I inquired about how late she would let me go?  Meaning past my due date. She said no longer than 41 weeks, or we could induce at 39 weeks. Also known as the T.O.P (tired of pregnancy) plan. Ed said, is there such a thing? Needless to say, we said we would be interested in the induction at 39 weeks plan merely because we have a toddler to plan around and no family/friends closer than 90 miles to accomodate her! So she said she would have her nurse call and schedule it! I got a phone call a couple hours later saying that it is scheduled for March 14th at 7am!

That's the plan!

That being said, please leave a comment with your best guess as to what sex this Smith baby will be, what date it will be born on (better be March 14th!), what time, and baby stats (weight and length)!


karen said...

A Baby Boy on March 14 at 2:12 pm and 6 lbs 14 oz

Nicole said...

Boy, 4/14/11 @ 4:14pm, 7#4oz, 20in

Nicole said...

That's supposed to be 3/14/11...guess I should have edited before submitting. Hard to type left handed on the phone while nursing ;-)

Tammy Sue said...

Shut the truck up! What an awesome option!! ;) god forbid anyone around here supported a plan like that! Lucky lucky 4-leaf clover lucky girl!

BABY EDDIE will be coming:
8lb 2oz.
21.5 inches said...

Hmmm....I'm going with 3/13/11 because kids never do what you expect! It's a girl...7lbs, 15oz at 9:20pm. 21" long!

Katie said...

I think you hold the record for the fastest term pregnancy ever ;) Unbelievable you will be a mama to TWO in two weeks!

A little brother for Rowan
7lbs. 14oz.
21 inches.

carolyn said...

Here is my best guess....
3/14/11 at 5:24pm
7# 6oz
21 inches long.

$Bill & Pam said...

We have the winner....Ed IV, 3/14/11 at 11:14 AM and 7 lbs 11 oz. How exciting!! Love, Gpa Bill And Gma Pam

Cora said...

This really has been the fastest pregnancy ever!

My guess is:
3.14 @ 1738
8lbs 6oz
Beautiful BOY!

Lisa said...

Little Eddie
March 14th
21 inches

Crystal said...

AHHHHH! That is super exciting! Bet the 14th can't come soon enough! I'm still feeling a boy I'm guessing 3/14/2011,3:14pm,
7lbs.2oz, 21in.

molly and blayne said...

6lbs 5oz
19.5 in