Monday, February 21, 2011

36 weeks and exhausted!

..and a pajama day inside!
I am really glad that I cancelled my appointment for today! Now we don't have to go anywhere. Luckily, because we probably couldn't get out if we tried. Ed took the truck to work today (thankfully or he probably wouldn't have made it), they still hadn't plowed our street when he left this morning.
It started snowing here around 11am yesterday and when I left work at 1130pm last night, nothing had still been plowed! And still yet this morning before 6am. Probably good that they came after Ed had left for work, or even with 4 wheel drive he might not have gotten out of the driveway!

It was a long weekend. I was lucky to have someone call last week and want to switch shifts with me this weekend, so I worked days instead of nights! Bonus! But we got really busy Saturday morning, and stupid me volunteered to stay 4 hours extra last night. 40 hours in 3 days is just a bit much for a 9 month pregnant woman. But my assignment was busy so the weekend went fast, and we can always use a little extra money! But 6am came way too fast this morning. Not to mention, Rowan was up at 2am, and I was too tired to deal with putting her back to bed in her own bed, so she cuddled with me most of the night! Was hoping she would sleep later that way too, no such luck! Oh well. I didn't get to see her much all weekend, so it was nice to cuddle, if only she didn't hog the bed so much!


Cora said...

Crazy preggo woman? Working extra! How about you take it easy the last month? You're going to be extra busy AND sleep deprived before you know it!

Nicole said...

So close to meeting baby exciting! Enjoy these last weeks :-)