Monday, January 3, 2011

twenty-nine weeks

A doctor visit, planned of course. But not too much excitement to report.

BP 110/60
Fundal height: measures right on at 29.
Baby heartbeat: doctor didn't tell me a number, but Rowan and I both heard it. All is well.
Weight: 8 more pounds (28 pounds total now)

Now onto the every 2 week doctor visits!
You think Rowan is sick of the doctor visits? Or just the camera? She loves going to see the fishys though!


Cora said...

I'm glad that it's not just Amelia who enjoys a snack by the stirrups. I bet she's just sick of the camera.

Katie said...

Your pregnancy is going so so fast! I hope you feel the same way (or not if you are enjoying it?). I actually kinda miss being prego!