Wednesday, January 26, 2011

swimmin' with daddy

Rowan got to swim with Ed tonight because I had a mole removed yesterday on my back. You can definitely tell that Rowan is used to swimming for fun with Ed because she didn't want to listen very well. She kept wanting him to let go of her, and she kept coming to the window to wave to me while I watched. She was a good jumper for him though. They want you to teach them to count to 3 before jumping, so you can see her counting in the pictures too.

They sang a new song in class today too where they threw the kids in the air. Definitely got better air time from dad than she would have gotten from me!

There was a dad that asked Rowan if she would show his daughter how she jumped in at the end of class. He couldn't get over her fearlessness! Not sure if that is a good thing or not. She seems to be listening pretty well around the water so far?

1 comment:

karen said...

I can see that Rowan & I will be doing some serious swimming up at Bucky this year!