Wednesday, January 12, 2011

the little goldfish

...yes, it's true, we finally started swim lessons!

Ed and I had talked about how we would put Rowan in swim lessons when she was a baby before she was even born. And then true life happened, and after many excuses it just never got done. But finally we have done it.

And she loved it. She is in the Goldfish class at the YMCA here in Neenah. It is technically for 1-2 year olds, but if you haven't taken a class before, that is where you have to start. We were worried she was going to be way older than the rest of the kids, but she wasn't at all. There was maybe one that was around a year, and the rest were between 18 months and 30 months.

We sang a lot of songs, did some jumping and floating, played with a few toys, and before you knew it, the 30 minute class was over. Ed says that Rowan was the only one actually kicking and using her arms. So maybe we will sail right through to the next class. This class goes until the end of February, so not sure if we will chance the next session that goes right through my due date. If she continues to love it this much, I will feel bad stopping, and I would like to get as much accomplished before summer as possible! Then she will be a little fish in the water this summer.
The original plan was for Ed to do the class with her because I wasn't going to put on a swimsuit, but when the day arrived, I felt sad that I wasn't going to be able to do it with her, so I tried on the only swimsuit option I had, and it covered the belly, so I decided to do it with her. And of course Ed wasn't disappointed at all.

I will say, I hope we get used to the whole inconvenience of getting changed and dressed in the locker rooms. We used the family locker room, and it was very inconvenient. Good thing Ed was there to help or it would have been even worse. The floor in the showering/changing rooms are all wet, so it was nearly impossible to get changed and keep your clothes dry. And then by the actual lockers, there were just too many people. Inconvenient, is the only word I have for it. I'm sure we will figure out a system that works best.

Ed wasn't the best photographer either, he was shooting pictures from the viewing room, so perhaps next week we will bring the zoom lens! For pictures of Rowan of course, not me!


Nicole said...

Oh, looks like so much fun! Hopefully you'll get a good system worked out! Enjoy the fun times :-)

karen said...

Oh what fun ! If i lived closer i would take Rowan to lessons in "March"

Cora said...

Wow, you guys did get her in to lessons fast! And she looks like she is having so much fun. Kudos to you for getting in a suit and swimming mama!

Lisa said...

You'll have to stop over next time you are in town. I have more swimsuits for you. :)

Tammy Sue said...

looks like a blast!!