Monday, January 17, 2011

31 weeks

Blood pressure: 108/50
Heart Rate: 134
Weight: gained 1 pound in last 2 weeks (total of 29 pounds this pregnancy)
Fundal height: right on at 31

Discussed my reflux issues, for which I haven't been taking anything for at this point. Decided to try Pepcid, and if that doesn't work we will try Prevacid! That was about the extent of my appointment. Will continue with 2 week appointments until 35 weeks, then we will go to weekly!


Cora said...

Man, I cannot believe how fast your pregnancy seems to be going! Hope the reflux meds work quickly for you.

Nicole said...

I second Cora! It's so hard to believe you're so close to the end. Keep up the great work and hope you feel relief soon.

Tammy Sue said...

i took extra strength zantac q 12, worked like a charm!