Saturday, December 31, 2011

jammie pics...

...for the New Year!
I got a new remote for my camera for my birthday (coming up, but we won't talk about that) so I wanted to practice!
You can imagine how thrilled Ed was for this opportunity. I take what I can get!

NYE 2011

Yes, this is what New Years Eve consists of when you have 2 kids! A photoshoot and early bedtime! Doesn't help that I have to work at 7am tomorrow, but it is what it is! And we are okay with it! 

Friday, December 30, 2011

the finale...

Today is our last Christmas celebration of 2011! We hosted the Blodgett family at our house this year. First time having a gathering at our house. It was nice not to have to travel with the kids for a change, but we felt bad having everyone else have to travel to get here. Luckily the weather was good for everyone! Now they have all seen our not so new house anymore and see where we live.

We started out the day with some appetizers. Then we had a wonderful turkey and fixings for lunch (Ed was in charge and did great). Then we opened presents, which there were plenty again of course. After that came dessert and visiting before everyone headed home before dark.
Grace was in town for NYE and staying with her friend, so she stopped over to visit before eveyone headed out too. It was very nice to not have to worry about where the kids would sleep, or rush out to get the kids home for bed. I think we might take to liking hosting the holidays? We don't have much room for many more people though!

It was difficult for me to have or tree up this long! Usually we are taking the tree down the day after Christmas. That being said, it isn't surprising that we have it down before bedtime tonight!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

never ending...


#5 came through yesterday! Thus the chewing on everything still. #6 isn't far behind! Will probably lose count after these two!

Monday, December 26, 2011

poor grandpa's

...and any other male figure that steps foot in our house. Rowan runs them ragged. She loves to go on shoulder's (thanks to daddy for starting that), and play hide and seek, and play ball. All things she talks any male figure into when they come to visit! I was able to catch Rowan and Grandpa Bill on camera today of the action full force. I think Grandpa had to fix his glasses last night after such action. Ooops.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Presents and Packers...

Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill arrived around 1pm this afternoon!

And once again, the tree was filled with presents. And once again, we were all spoiled rotten. Eddie showed off his skills of opening presents while laying on his back! The dogs got in on the mix of course too. In addition to gifts, we had a brisket lunch, and then it was nap time once again. The kids and I took a short nap while Ed and Grandpa Bill put together the train table, and Grandma Pam prepared appetizers for the Packer game.
We enjoyed lots of delightful appetizers, watched the Packer game and played with lots of new toys! Then it was off to bed for most of us. The sleep the last few days has been limited for most of us, so the end of the Packer game was watched from most of our beds! Can't believe that Christmas is over! Well sort of, we have one more family to celebrate with next friday! Now I will spend the next week trying to find room for all of our new things!

Santa came!

....and I was home before Rowan even woke up to see. A fellow co-worker of mine was willing to come in an hour early so that they kids wouldn't have to wait for me to open presents until 8am. So I got home before 7am, and Rowan was sound asleep. But I at least got to change and hang out with the boys for a little bit before she was up. We had some coffee and cinnamon rolls while we opened gifts. And Rowan was actually 'done' aka sick of opening before she was even half way done with her gifts. And I thought they didn't have enough! Guess we and Santa did fine!
After opening gifts, Eddie and I took a nap before lunchtime and before Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill would get here.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Xmas Eve Night...

Luckily, Mom didn't have to work at 7pm tonight, so she was able to get the kids baths and pictures in their adorable matching jammies before heading to bed to wait for Santa. Won't be able to get away with this for many years! Sooooo.....cute!

Xmas Eve Morning.... Grandma and Grandpa Knutson's house!

After the Hanson gathering last night we spent the night in Uncle Mitch's room. Not a good night of sleep by any means thanks to Rowan! Eddie luckily slept like a peach (helps when you go to bed late). Rowan woke up several times crying out and inconsolable even though she was right in bed between Ed and I. I am convinced she just was confused and didn't know where she was, but it took more than us telling her she was fine and we were there with her. We slept good from about 2am until 7am.

Luckily the rest of the household was up by then too. And if they weren't, Rowan had no problem waking them up. We actually were waiting on Eddie to wake up before opening gifts!
Rowan did a great job of scoping out all the gifts. There were a ton! Was nice to be able to stay in our jammies to open gifts. Eddie had to get dressed because his diaper didn't hold up to his extra sleep! The kids did a great job opening gifts. Minus the fact that they wanted to open everything when they got it. We were all spoiled by all of them! 
When gifts were done and some playing done as well. We started to pack up to head home because I received a phone call that I would need to go into work at 7pm instead of 11pm. So needed to get home and attempt a nap!

Friday, December 23, 2011

The beginning...

...didn't start well in this household. But luckily improved by the afternoon. I worked last night and was dealing with a migraine that wouldn't go away. Therefore sleep wasn't good. And by 5am, I was in the bathroom praying to the porcelain gods from both ends. By 830am it was done. Although the migraine didn't give way until lunchtime. I was dealing with all of this while home alone with both kids while Ed was working. And I was supposed to be packed and ready to hit the road just after lunchtime when Ed got home. And I will say, I did a darn good job. I really didn't want to miss the weekend of holiday gatherings with family that we had planned, so I am very happy I felt well enough to go.

The first celebration of the weekend started this afternoon at the Swan residence with the Hanson family. It was a lot of fun to see all the kids together. It was our first time meeting Quinn in person. And only the second time seeing Ainsley. And of course with us living 1.5 hours away, we really don't see much of our extended family period. So hard to remember what life was like just 5 years ago without all the little munchkins running around. It's definitely gotten a lot more chaotic.
The jolly fat man joined us this year again too. Luckily Rowan was much more into him this year. She was very quiet and shy when on his lap, but talked a ton after she was done. Eddie was okay with him, but starting to roll out his lip by the end of the interaction! Bennett was the only one to scream while sitting on his lap, but I recall Rowan doing the same thing at his age!
Here is Great Grandma Marion with all her great grandchildren. We started the photo taking not realizing we were missing Bennett because he was sleeping. So by the time we got him in the picture, most of the kids had had enough. 
Santa and the cutest kids of the evening! And probably the sleepiest too. No naps are never a good thing.
It was a great start to the holiday weekend. Visiting with family and enjoying all the kids is always a good time. Wish we could all do it more!

We did get in on the scrooge gift exchange this year with one gift between both Ed and I. We came home with some Packer slippers and a scratch off. Didn't win on the scratch off, but I got some super cozy slippers!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Santa baby @ 40 Weeks

Who woulda thought it'd be so hard to get a picture including the diaper! Easiest to see from the back! Still cute!
...and his helper.
Rowan practiced her gift wrapping skills today. Not too bad. Might have to hire her in the future.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

watch what you wish for...

Starting to think that having a bald baby girl for 2 years wasn't so bad after all! Because the hair she has now is out of control! Might have to start bathing her in the am in order maintain the hair. Because it is impossible to fix the bed head. And that is when she let's us touch it! Guess we are going to have to start getting her hair cut more often! Aunt Casey just isn't available enough in FL!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

9 Months Old

Weight: 21# 9oz (70th percentile)
Length: 29.5 in (87th percentile)
Head: 18 in (64th percentile)

*No vaccines this visit! Thankfully, because I think Rowan has a complex about Eddie getting owies! Such a sensitive caring big sister!
Eddie at 9 Months:
*professional army crawler (occasionally gets up on knees but doesn't go anywhere)
*4 teeth (2 more very close on the top)
*has next to no interest in baby food anymore, will eat some stage 3 stuff but would prefer big people food
*only interest in sippy cup is to chew on it right now
*still takes 3-4 six ounce bottles daily, still Similac Sensitive
*sleeps through the night most nights, but wakes up between 5-6am usually for the day (occasional pacifier replacement needed)
*2 naps a day (usually 2 hours each give or take a half hour)
*size 3 diapers
*still in some 12 month clothing, but starting to wear 12-18 mo. and some 18 mo. for length purposes mostly
*hmmm...i'm sure I will think of something to add, but this is good for now

Can't believe the next time we visit the MD will be a 12 month visit! What a fast 9 months it has been.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

4 Toothers

Eddie's 4th tooth has been pretending to make an appearance for days. Then it looked like he had a little blood blister on his gums holding it back (perhaps because he constantly has something in his mouth being chewed on), and then all of a sudden today he has a huge tooth in that spot! Too cute. (39 weeks and 1 day old) I'm slipping on my weekly posts, a lot later than I thought I would. But tomorrow my baby is going to be 9 months old, and we have his 9 month appointment as well. More to come.

Rudy our family elf. He has only been touched once by the overly excited 3 year old in our house. If only she took the 'naughty and nice' part a bit more seriously! She enjoys finding him every morning. He hasn't been very creative so far this year, I don't think she would understand some of the many things he could do!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Smith Christmas 2011

We were back in Nashotah this weekend to celebrate with The Smith Family. We arrived around dinner time on friday night, and Blayne, Molly and the boys were there shortly after. Dusty and Julie joined us on Saturday morning as they had their work christmas parties on friday night. We were up bright and early on Saturday (sleep just isn't consistently good when on the road), and Rowan and KB couldn't ask enough when we got to open presents. They even got to open one present each on friday night but that wasn't enough apparently.
So we opened presents pretty much the second that Dusty, Julie and Monty arrived. Then had lunch, played some games, played with some new gifts, ate some more, and most of us were in bed early due to the lack of napping by the big kids, and lack of sleep for the rest the night before. We had just seen Monty less than a month prior and he was already so much bigger. Couldn't believe it. He was so good and loved by all the kids. Probably got pushed around a bit but loved every minute of it. He was exhausted too.
We got so many awesome gifts, like usual. I did a horrible job of picture taking this year. Didn't even get a picture of my kids together. Not even one of all the kids together, they are all just too busy. I tried to go around and take pictures of some of our new items after unpacking, so excuse the random pics. And this doesn't even do the loot justice. Sue was busy making just about everyone something homemade this year. Eddie got a beanbag chair and Rowan got a duffel bag and matching cosmetic hanging bag. So perfect. I got some new much needed clothing, a new Vera Bradley lunch bag and weekender bag. Ed got some new clothes as well, and a temperature monitor to name a few things.

It's always fun getting everyone together. Hard to think that next Christmas there will be another little one joining the crowd. A little more chaos to add to the fun. Oh, and that would be Blayne and Molly adding to the fun, not us! Just to clarify!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

things that go...

a few of Rowan's masterpieces from school last week.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Santa tours Neenah

This year we were ready for Santa to drive by! The Neenah-Menasha Fire department sponsors Santa riding around Neenah for a few hours every year, and this time we were waiting for them to drive by! Rowan loved it.