Sunday, April 18, 2010

Recap of last week...

I think this is the most random collage of pictures I have ever made, but it summarizes the last few days of this week. It was so nice Thursday that Rowan got to wear some capri pants. Super cute. I'm not so ready to pull out the shorts or skirts for her.

Her obsession this week, other than puzzles, have been her red dress shoes. The girl wants to wear them with anything and everything. She tries to put them on by herself, slipping her foot into them while standing, and then walking around with out them buckled. Crazy girl!

One of her art projects from 'school'. She got to play with glue, which I can say I wouldn't do at home with her. This project is from her first of second week at daycare, and I am following a fellow friends idea of photographing the projects so that I don't have to keep them all on the fridge or in a box somewhere, but I can still look back at them.

And lastly, Saturday late morning, Rowan decided she wanted to lay on the couch and watch cartoons, and a few minutes later I came to check on her and she had fallen asleep. I couldn't believe it. I ended up moving her to her crib because I was afraid she would fall off the couch if I wasn't right there. Precious! On that note, another obsession of hers this last week has been her blankets. We use them to cover her when she sleeps, but she has to take them out of the crib and drag them around the house. Rarely does she let anyone else use them, and her father likes to tick her off by stealing them, he gets a kick out of her whining 'no'. And saying 'nine' aka mine.


Cora said...

Every girl needs a pair of red dress up shoes! I can't think of an outfit that they wouldn't go with. You go Rowan.

Crystal said...

LOL! I had similar shoes when I was her age, only mine were black! Pretty sure I wore them until I couldn't squeeze my feet into them anymore. Beautiful art work Rowan!

karen said...

I love the red shoes!! My favorite color!!