Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sickly girl...

So...I have been meaning to find Rowan a pediatrician since we moved up here, but her last week made me find one yesterday morning.
Here is re-cap from the last week:
She has woken up every night in the middle of the night, or super early in the morning. She hasn't slept past 6am for the last 4 or 5 nights. She has had a faucet of a runny nose, and on friday and saturday had some super yellow eye drainage. OH and don't forget the sore butt rash too. Saturday her temperature registered 101, and has since come back to normal. She has been super whiney and crabby and clingy.
The only thing that has changed since all of this started was attending daycare. She hasn't had sleeping issues since we moved here, so that is new too. At daycare she naps usually 50-70 minutes, which is less than she had been napping at home prior to attending daycare.
So Sunday night was the straw that broke the camels back. We decided that we had to get her into the doctor because this was going on too long. So I called in sick to work, and got her into a pediatrician first thing yesteday morning. The only other thing that was new that I noticed MOnday morning was a few blister like things on her hand and near her mouth.
Diagnosis: Left ear infection and Hand Foot Mouth disease (virus most likely picked up at daycare)
So we are now on Amoxicillin for the ear infection for the next 10 days. There is no treatment for the hand foot mouth disease, time will tell. I asked the Director at daycare if they see HFM there, and she said yes they have had it there, but not recently. So now she will alert the families that it is present so they can exercise caution. Rowan is allowed to resume daycare attending as long as she doesn't have a fever. So she went back today, and had a great day. They tell me that she is always happy and pleasant when she is there. Wish they could see how she can be at home. Not always so happy and pleasant. But hopefully this will all get better soon!
Who would have thought that one week at daycare could turn a little girls life upside down! Ours too!


Cora said...

Gotta love the daycare germs! Sadly, this won't be the last thing she brings home. Hope everyone is feeling and sleeping better soon!

Crystal said...

Yea daycare will do that to a little girl! Hope she's feeling better!