Thursday, April 1, 2010

Daycare update...

Well, our week hasn't exactly been ideal! Rowan has woken up in the middle of the night the last 4 nights. The first two she managed to go back to sleep on her own no problem, but the other two nights we had to intervene. She has had a runny nose all week, and been super whiney and crabby! We can't seem to pinpoint the reason behind all of this, other than daycare.

She does great when she is at daycare. They consider her gentle and love to have her there. But her napping isn't ideal, for us anyway. She naps usually 50-70 minutes only. At home she usually naps at least 1 1/2 hours or more. And I'm not sure if she is sick or teething, which is the runny nose issue. All of this has lead to a rough week around here.

I have 2 more weeks of working 4-5 days a week, then I will be back to working 3 shifts a week, so she won't have to be at daycare quite as often, hoping the extra days home will help her. Then when I am off orientation I will be working only 2 days a week. So that will be even better yet! I guess that is enough venting for now!

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