Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rain Rain go Away...

It is a good thing Rowan has been into some indoor activities lately since it has rained for the last 2 days straight! Rowan is a puzzle professional these days. She has mastered the ones she has, and is quickly mastering her newest ones. She is growing up so fast.

On another note, Rowan was 'helping' Ed make dinner tonight, and decided to eat a raw onion, and liked it. So she ate another one, and then had potent onion breathe afterwards. What almost 2 year old eats raw onions. Weirdo!
How cute is this 'R'! So my sister-in-law Molly saw these letters on and proceeded to inquire if Gail (Ed and Sue's neighbor aka Nani) would be able to make them because she does a lot of knitting. And sure enough, she did. So Rowan even got one. And she loves it. Once I get to more decorating in her room I am thinking I will display it on a shelf or something, but for now she likes to lay on it and carry it around the house!

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