Thursday, April 1, 2010

Best investment...

Rowan's watertable is the best thing we have ever bought her. We have almost had it a year, and she still loves it. This year she actually tries to pour the water into the funnels and watch the wheels spin. After she drinks the water out of the table of course. She had lots of fun with it tonight.

It even brought out the neighbors. Not really, but yes, after a month of living here we have finally met our immediate neighbors! They seem very nice, and they have a little girl that is just 2 months younger than Rowan. I didn't find it appropriate to be taking pictures of their daughter the first time we met them. But she enjoyed the watertable too!
You would never believe that this is the same girl smiling in the pictures above, but yes our fun time outside didn't end so happily! Rowan was walking in the in the rocky yard and tripped right near the sidewalk that goes to the side garage door and scraped her arm pretty good. And she hasn't been having the best days as it is, so the whining, crabby girl with snot running everywhere we are getting used to this week. The poor girl has been very upset. We hope next week is better! Maybe this 3 day break from daycare will get her back to normal?

1 comment:

Cora said...

Poor Rowan! What did she fall on...the ladder?