Monday, March 29, 2010

First day :(

Today was my first day with my new job, and Rowan's 1st official day of daycare! We both survived.

Last friday, I took Rowan to the daycare for a few hours to play and see what it was like, how she would do, how I would do, etc...Let's just say, I failed, and Rowan did great! I didn't even get her into the classroom before I was leaking tears like a faucet. When I finally did leave, I didn't even say goodbye to her because I didn't want to break down again, and didn't want her to cry when I left!

Today on the other hand, I got her into the classroom and I made it back out to my car before I got a little teary, but nothing compared to last week! She did great both days! Managed to take a 50 minute nap both times, better today though! They nap on cots, so she isn't restricted in a crib like she is used too, I told them good luck! In my book, 50 minutes isn't long enough though, she has sort of been a beast in the evening due to lack of napping. So need to figure that issue out eventually! But today she was tired after their walk and all her playing, so she didn't fight the nap.

She hasn't cried at all while she has been there. Has been eating fine, playing nice, and very laid back. They can't believe she hasn't ever been in daycare, or a play group because of how well mannered she is around the other kids.

Here is Rowan enjoying my smoothie before heading off to daycare.
And this is her very first artwork from daycare! She made this one last friday, today they forgot to send her artwork home with us!
P.S. We are going to start referring to daycare, as school! We don't like to call it daycare! I can't wait until my first 3 weeks of orientation are over because then she will only have to go there 2 or 3 times a week versus 4 or 5!

1 comment:

Cora said...

The first drop off is the worst. I promise. Well, until the day that she is sobbing because you are leaving her. That day sucks pretty much too.

I hope the preschool continues to go well. My guess is that she'll have a cold within the first week!