Sunday, March 21, 2010

Busy weekend in MI...

Not really sure where to start with our fun filled weekend in Michigan...

We arrived around 430pm on Friday, headed to the beach for some playtime for the kids knowing that the weather on Saturday wasn't going to be near as nice. Then we got some pizza to go for dinner, and continued the playing back at Blayne and Molly's house! Rowan maybe napped 40 minutes on our way to MI, and Kieran's nap was short too, so they were a bit wild and crazy and overtired.
Saturday we did many fun things. After breakfast and showering, we colored Easter eggs with the kids. But honestly neither of them were overly interested, and Kieran was waiting and waiting for Rowan to show up so he could color eggs. Oh well! Ed and Blayne were more into making the brown eggs than anything! Boys I tell you!
When the kids were napping, we hid eggs for them to hunt for when they woke up. But due to the extreme number of eggs, and the one room we used to hide them in, there weren't so hidden. Then to make matters worse, we got bored waiting for them to wake up, so we all started eating the candy out of them. There was plenty to go around even when they awoke. After the egg hunt, us adults played some pictionary! Molly and I killed Ed and Blayne.
Grady is such a wonderful little boy! Rowan was very good with him, and with his toys too. She found it necessary to test the bouncy seat out several times. She even helped him bounce when he was in it! When we were out and about, Grady just slept and kept quiet! At home he was very spoiled, by the BH (me, the baby hog as ed likes to call me). It's been so long since we've had such a little one around! I thought I controlled my baby hogging very well! Everytime I held him, Rowan was crawling on my lap to hold him too!
Saturday evening we tried out the new indoor carousel in St. Joe. Rowan wasn't a huge fan at all until the very end. And we were there right before closing, so the kids only got 2 rides. You can tell I took her on first, and she hated it, by the end of the second ride with Ed she was finally smiling and waving!
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1 comment:

molly and blayne said...

Thanks for coming! Kieran has been asking about Rowan all day!