Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's been awhile...

It has been about 1 1/2 months since we have seen Andrea and Breyson, so Rowan and I took a trip out to Mukwonago to see their new home and visit a bit. This visit really showed me how much both of them has changed. Breyson is getting all over the place, not really crawling yet, but scooting big time. And he rolls all over the place too. Rowan on the other hand, stays put. She would lay on her tummy and Breyson would get to her in no time. They are both putting their hands and anything possible in their mouths, so they kept trying to eat each other. Rowan is ahead of Breyson in the teeth department, he doesn't have any yet!

It was very difficult to get a picture of the two of them, Breyson kept trying to get Rowan!
Rowan 5 months, Breyson 6 1/2 months!

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