Thursday, December 4, 2008

21 Weeks Old...

Just about 5 months old!! (I say just about, because I won't call her 5 months until after the 10th, but technically I guess she would be considered 5 months) I can't believe it. Even more so, it is almost Christmas! Since we are awaiting our new bows to arrive, we decided to use the Santa hat again this week, only we kept the clothes on! We took the pictures in the afternoon because Rowan and I attended a work meeting too early in the morning and then ran some errands on the way home, so she wasn't quite as smiley as usual for this weeks session!
Rowan also got her new stocking this last week. Sue and Ed's neighbor was willing to knit Rowan a stocking to match Ed and I's. The person that made ours has since retired, so we couldn't have them all identical, but Gail did a wonderful job on the stocking. Thank You!
We are still chugging along on Soy formula, Similac. She is eating slightly better than last month, but in my mind, still not really good enough to start solids. So we will see what this next month brings.

She seems to be doing a little bit better with her stranger anxiety, but I hate to say it outloud because that my backfire. As long as we are within view she is usually okay. But we also haven't been around large groups of people in a while either.

She still puts everything in her mouth. Drools like crazy, but no sign of any teeth yet. She has found her feet when she sits in her bumbo, but when she is on her back on the floor she doesn't pull them up to her mouth yet. But she is already making diaper changes a pain, she tries to see what is above her and is turning side to side. You would think that would result in rolling over, but not yet. She can sit for more than 5 seconds without immediately falling over, and does okay with the boppy around her.

Again, we will see what the next month brings!!

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