Friday, December 19, 2008

Doctor, Doctor...

Well, as I have said previously, Rowan has been teething the last couple of weeks. Almost 2 weeks ago now, she got her 1st tooth, then a week later the second one popped through. Therefore, her extra crabbiness the last few days we thought was related to teething. So we just kept giving her Tylenol, and holding her or doing whatever made her happy. Tuesday night, she was awake like 7 times, and with her eyes wide open, which is very unusual for her. Normally if she wakes up she just cries out with her eyes closed, you give her a pacifier and she is back to sleep, and generally eats once during the night. Then wednesday was a very long day, she wasn't happy unless in my arms or me entertaining her, she would wake up from her nap screaming, not eating well, etc, etc.

So Wednesday night at work I was discussing with some ladies our situation, and decided perhaps we should take her to the doctor the next day, but I had to work again and didn't have time to take her, and I didn't want to be the mom that brings their kid to the doctor and nothing is wrong. So I discussed it with Ed and we decided to see how her night went. And of course she slept fine, so when I got home in the morning Ed didn't think we needed to take her in. But by 2pm, after he had spent the day with her, he called the doctor and got her an appointment at 4pm. So I got up and showered so that I could go along.

And the verdict is....
she has a cold, is teething, and the start of an ear infection in her right ear. So the trip was worth it, we are now on antibiotics for 10 days. And actually after just 24 hours of antibiotics she is much better already. So we will see. They weighed her while we were there, in her clothes, and she was 15 lbs. 7 oz.!

So this is what she looked like a few days before we took her in...

Not happy....

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