Monday, December 15, 2008

Inconsolable baby...

It has been a rough last couple of days in our household. Rowan is already getting her second tooth! And the last two or three days have been horrible, when she is awake she generally is very whiny and clingy, or screaming. She will fall asleep and wake up screaming, which is very abnormal for her. So I have learned if I keep on top of the Tylenol she is better by the evening time. But it makes for a long day. We tried the Baby Orajel, and she is not a fan at all, I am thinking it is the flavor. That is all for now, more to come in the next few days, and of course our lengthy Christmas celebrating starts Saturday and goes for a week! Plenty of pictures to be taken in the next couple of weeks!

1 comment:

Cora said...

Once she's 6 months old you can start motrin....mmmmmm it's like liquid gold!