Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Quack, Quack, Bath time...

For Christmas we bought Rowan a new bath tub for bathtime, so we could retire the newborn tub. The inflatable duck is very fun, it even quacks if you squeeze the beak!
She is still working on sitting up as you can see!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Farley Xmas in IA...

After breakfast Sunday morning we travelling over to Iowa to visit the Farley Grandparents to celebrate Christmas with them. We had lunch and visited for a short while. We would have liked to stay a bit longer, but after a long week of Christmas' and many hours in the car that weekend, we were ready to hit the road home. You can tell that it was a long week of pictures too, this was the only photo I took while we were there. And I didn't even take it! I will have to better next time we are there to visit.

Farley Family Xmas 2008

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Smith Xmas in IL...

The Smith Christmas in Moline IL has been held at hotel the past couple of years because there is too many people to have it at Papa and Gma Jan's house anymore. I guess when you have 14 great grandchildren, the numbers add up quickly.

After eating and opening gifts, there was card playing, Wii playing, and much talking among the women.Kieran, Great Gma Jan,Great Papa Ed and Rowan
Rowan 5 1/2 months, Sydney and Kate 3 1/2 months

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to all...

Finally Christmas Day has arrived. We have already had so many days of celebrating Christmas, it feels like it should be over by now. But not quite! We spent the day at home this year, for the first time ever I think! It was very relaxing, we had breakfast, opened gifts, played with gifts, etc.
Gizmo was afraid of his new toy at first!

Rowan and her Daddy!

Casey and Jake came over to visit us for a bit today since they just made it home today. They were supposed to fly in on the 23rd of December, but their flight was cancelled. Despite trying to re-book a flight later on the 23rd, and the 24th, they finally made it home on the 25th despite the weather. It was nice to visit with them for a bit and catch up, this was the only day we could see them because of my work schedule and the rest of our holiday gatherings through the weekend.Rowan got this outfit from Casey and Jake, she wore it right away the following weekend! Super Cute!

24 Weeks Old...

Not only is Rowan 24 Weeks Old today, but it is Christmas day too!

I decided to try giving Rowan rice cereal today, with some bananas since it is a holiday. She pretty much spit it all out, wasn't very interested. So I tried for about 5 minutes and then gave up. Maybe we will try again tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Xmas with Gampa and Gama Knutson...

Christmas Eve we started out at Gampa and Gama Knutson's house. There we had made to order omlettes, with choice of meats, hashbrowns, Kringles, you name it!! Rowan was spoiled by Aunt Amanda and Uncle Mitch. They played and played, opened some presents, ate some paper and bows, etc, etc... But before long it was time to move on to the Hanson Christmas at the Swan's House.

Christmas Eve with the Hansons...

This year, Christmas was a bit different with 2 babies present for the festivities. We gathered at the Swan residence to celebrate with the Hanson Family. Rowan and Breyson seemed to be the life of the party. They were spoiled by all their Great Aunts and Uncles!
Presents, and more Presents!
Babies 1st Christmas'!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Blodgett Christmas...

Great Gma and Great Gpa Blodgett just couldn't get enough of Rowan. This was the first time they had seen her since August for her baptism, and that was their first time ever seeing her. So she had changed a lot. Much happier now than she was then of course, minus the ear infection she was getting over, but overall better!

Great Aunt Karen spoils her just as much as her Grandparents! Although Rowan might be 2nd best behind Gizmo, but it would never show!

We enjoyed plenty of appetizers and a full course meal too. Way too much food as usual at most family gatherings. Wouldn't be right if we didn't all leave a few pounds heavier! Rowan got plenty of nice gifts also! It's going to be tough to find room for all her gifts, and it isn't even December 25th yet!

Xmas with Gma n Gpa B.

Sunday morning Grama and Grampa Bremberger came from Lyndon Station to spend the day with us. We started in the morning at our house opening gifts with them, and then headed to Karen's about lunchtime for the Blodgett Christmas. We had some breakfast with Gma and Gpa, opened gifts/ate some paper, played with new toys and then headed on to the next celebration!

Rowan's 1st Harley shirt of many I am sure in the future!
Gma and Gpa Bremberger never forget poor Gizmo, he will teach Rowan a thing or two about opening gifts, he is a professional!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Xmas with the Smiths!

So our 2nd Christmas of the year, technically, our 1st was back in November, and yet it is still 4 days before Christmas, too many in the end.

We had a few silly kids on our hands at Papa Ed and Grama Sue's house. Rowan making sounds with her mouth and blowing bubbles. Something newer for her. And Kieran with his cheesy smile, super cute though. If only we could get them to be super cute in a photo together. Kieran still wants nothing to do with Rowan. Some day they will like each other!

This is about all Rowan cared to do with her gifts this year, eat the paper and/or bows. Too bad they don't make edible wrapping paper, she would be in heaven!
Rowan got her first Victoria's Secret gift at less than 6 months old, thanks to Uncle Blayne, he's funny! Ha!
Papa Ed and Rowan in their Santa hats, adorable!

Smith Family Xmas 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Doctor, Doctor...

Well, as I have said previously, Rowan has been teething the last couple of weeks. Almost 2 weeks ago now, she got her 1st tooth, then a week later the second one popped through. Therefore, her extra crabbiness the last few days we thought was related to teething. So we just kept giving her Tylenol, and holding her or doing whatever made her happy. Tuesday night, she was awake like 7 times, and with her eyes wide open, which is very unusual for her. Normally if she wakes up she just cries out with her eyes closed, you give her a pacifier and she is back to sleep, and generally eats once during the night. Then wednesday was a very long day, she wasn't happy unless in my arms or me entertaining her, she would wake up from her nap screaming, not eating well, etc, etc.

So Wednesday night at work I was discussing with some ladies our situation, and decided perhaps we should take her to the doctor the next day, but I had to work again and didn't have time to take her, and I didn't want to be the mom that brings their kid to the doctor and nothing is wrong. So I discussed it with Ed and we decided to see how her night went. And of course she slept fine, so when I got home in the morning Ed didn't think we needed to take her in. But by 2pm, after he had spent the day with her, he called the doctor and got her an appointment at 4pm. So I got up and showered so that I could go along.

And the verdict is....
she has a cold, is teething, and the start of an ear infection in her right ear. So the trip was worth it, we are now on antibiotics for 10 days. And actually after just 24 hours of antibiotics she is much better already. So we will see. They weighed her while we were there, in her clothes, and she was 15 lbs. 7 oz.!

So this is what she looked like a few days before we took her in...

Not happy....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

23 Weeks Old...

Just another cold week in December...

Still cute as can be, high maintenance, but lovable! Busy times ahead with Christmas only a few weeks away. Nothing overly exciting to report this week.
I guess her feet are her newest thing. As you can see, she was more interested in getting them than smiling for the camera. Oh well!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rowan and Santa...

Yesterday, Rowan and I attended a Christmas party at Lisa's House with many of my fellow friends from work and their little ones. Santa made a guest appearance. Rowan didn't mind him at all. She was a bit crabby because she was ready for a nap, but she did good on his lap, she tried to pull off his beard at one point. But once we got to the group photo with Santa, Rowan was very upset and tired. Don't get that confused with scared, that will be next year I am sure! I got the experience on video camera too, but I am haven't had a chance to try to get it on the computer yet.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Little Hockey girl...

Ed happened to have his hockey skates in the house this week since he had his blades sharpened, and thought it would be cute to put Rowan through this torture. She wasn't very happy with it all, but she cooperated very well for the pictures.

Inconsolable baby...

It has been a rough last couple of days in our household. Rowan is already getting her second tooth! And the last two or three days have been horrible, when she is awake she generally is very whiny and clingy, or screaming. She will fall asleep and wake up screaming, which is very abnormal for her. So I have learned if I keep on top of the Tylenol she is better by the evening time. But it makes for a long day. We tried the Baby Orajel, and she is not a fan at all, I am thinking it is the flavor. That is all for now, more to come in the next few days, and of course our lengthy Christmas celebrating starts Saturday and goes for a week! Plenty of pictures to be taken in the next couple of weeks!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holiday Party...

Last night we decided to make the trek to Belvidere to Rick and Jill's Holiday Party. Belvidere really isn't that far away, but I had worked the night before so my sleep was lacking. So we arrived earlier than that party start time, and left just before the party started as it was close to Rowan's bedtime. There were a few Smith family members present, so it was nice to see them. We also got to see their new puppies!

Maddy and Rowan

Thursday, December 11, 2008

22 Weeks Old...

Smiley tooth girl with a new bow! It is hard to believe how fast 5 months has gone, and the holidays are less than 2 weeks away. Time flies when you don't sleep and never sit down! Wouldn't trade it for the world!
Here is a close up of the tooth, can you see it?

It's been awhile...

It has been about 1 1/2 months since we have seen Andrea and Breyson, so Rowan and I took a trip out to Mukwonago to see their new home and visit a bit. This visit really showed me how much both of them has changed. Breyson is getting all over the place, not really crawling yet, but scooting big time. And he rolls all over the place too. Rowan on the other hand, stays put. She would lay on her tummy and Breyson would get to her in no time. They are both putting their hands and anything possible in their mouths, so they kept trying to eat each other. Rowan is ahead of Breyson in the teeth department, he doesn't have any yet!

It was very difficult to get a picture of the two of them, Breyson kept trying to get Rowan!
Rowan 5 months, Breyson 6 1/2 months!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Runny Nose, Fever, and.....

........A tooth!

So Sunday morning I noticed that Rowan had a bit of a runny nose, so I thought she was probably getting a bit of a cold. The day went on, and later in the afternoon/evening, she decided to put my finger in her mouth to eat it, and I felt a little rough spot on the bottom gum! Sure enough, she has a little tooth coming in. You can't really see it, since anytime something come close to her mouth she tries to eat it, so she doesn't give you time to look.

So I am not sure if the runny nose is in relation to the teething, or if she really does have a cold. She coughs every once in awhile, but she does that frequently, it isn't new, frankly I think it may be reflux related. Then, at 4am this morning when I was up feeding her, I decided to take her temperature and it was 100, so I gave her some tylenol (I had given her some before bed too), and this morning at 8am the fever was gone. She still has a runny nose, but that is minor, it just mixes with all the drool, rather tasty I am sure. So we will be staying in as much as possible this week to ward off any cold she may be experiencing.

This tooth eruption would explain her extra crabbiness this last week!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Our Christmas Tree...

Here are a few pictures of Rowan's First Christmas Tree. She really could care less about the tree, but she can sit and watch the train go round and round for quite some time. Just like her Daddy! Can't wait for her to enjoy her first Christmas, only 20 days away, yikes!! This is just a random picture that Ed took of Rowan and I. There aren't many pictures that I am in because I am usually the one taking the pictures!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

21 Weeks Old...

Just about 5 months old!! (I say just about, because I won't call her 5 months until after the 10th, but technically I guess she would be considered 5 months) I can't believe it. Even more so, it is almost Christmas! Since we are awaiting our new bows to arrive, we decided to use the Santa hat again this week, only we kept the clothes on! We took the pictures in the afternoon because Rowan and I attended a work meeting too early in the morning and then ran some errands on the way home, so she wasn't quite as smiley as usual for this weeks session!
Rowan also got her new stocking this last week. Sue and Ed's neighbor was willing to knit Rowan a stocking to match Ed and I's. The person that made ours has since retired, so we couldn't have them all identical, but Gail did a wonderful job on the stocking. Thank You!
We are still chugging along on Soy formula, Similac. She is eating slightly better than last month, but in my mind, still not really good enough to start solids. So we will see what this next month brings.

She seems to be doing a little bit better with her stranger anxiety, but I hate to say it outloud because that my backfire. As long as we are within view she is usually okay. But we also haven't been around large groups of people in a while either.

She still puts everything in her mouth. Drools like crazy, but no sign of any teeth yet. She has found her feet when she sits in her bumbo, but when she is on her back on the floor she doesn't pull them up to her mouth yet. But she is already making diaper changes a pain, she tries to see what is above her and is turning side to side. You would think that would result in rolling over, but not yet. She can sit for more than 5 seconds without immediately falling over, and does okay with the boppy around her.

Again, we will see what the next month brings!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gizmo gets groomed...

Our poor neglected dog got groomed this week. So we had to get a picture of his holiday hanky! What better a photo than to get the two of them together. On our bed, which is generally off limits to Gizmo, unless we aren't watching. I allowed it since he was clean. (He looks like he is doing something wrong in this first picture!)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Silly Daddy...

For some reason, Ed thinks Rowan likes wearing his stinky hat. Might be the fact that she always smiles for him no matter what he is doing to her, even if it is wearing his smelly hat!