Thursday, October 2, 2008

12 Weeks Old...

My how time flies...12 weeks old (3 months, sort of)!

There aren't really any major transformations to share this week. She is a very strong girl, if you hold her hands in front of her she tries to sit up. She doesn't have much of a head-lag any more, therefore she has done better in the bumbo chair, but not for extended periods of time. She isn't grabbing at things yet, so she gets bored in it. She puts her hands in her mouth whether she is hungry or not, which leads to much drooling.

No change in her sleep patterns. She naps 20-40 minutes a couple times a day, and for the most part only gets up once during the night. Occassionally more often, and can sleep through the night, once in a great while.

She is still in size 1 diapers, wearing 0-3 month clothing (but outgrowing 0-3 month sleepers fast, she is too long!) Doing fine on Similac Isomil, taking about 5 ounces/feeding.

She is sort of in the inbetween stage with toys. She doesn't really like to lay on her back to play anymore, but she can't reach to get toys when on her tummy or in her bouncy seat, so gets bored fast. She will swat at toys in her bouncy seat, but not really grab yet. And she isn't quite big enough for the jumperoo or exersaucer. Her feet don't touch the ground, and she doesn't really reach for the toys. So in the next month hopefully she will start to get more use out of them and have more fun! So we tend to be her form of entertainment these days.

1 comment:

carolyn said...

oh, rowan, you are too darn cute! i have a present for you. i will give it to your mommy when she comes back to work on monday!