Friday, October 31, 2008

Rowan's 1st Halloween Party...

Rowan and I attended her first Halloween party aka Kamp. Several of the ladies that I work with get together with their children about once a month for Kids Camp (Kamp). Us adults have monthly Camps (cocktails and mingling party) and the K-Kamps are for children. So anyway, today was Halloween Kamp held at Lisa's House. In the past I haven't gone to these gatherings because I didn't have a child obviously, so this was the first one that Rowan and I attended.

Not everyone that usually attends was present today due to illnesses or losses in the family, so it wasn't as chaotic as they usually are I was told. I can only imagine what they are normally like then, because there was enough chaos for me today. I am so not ready for Rowan to grow up, seeing the girls running around and screaming, and not sharing, and pushing others, yikes, I will take the mid-night feedings and short naps over that right now. Don't get me wrong, it was a fun time, but definitely eye opening. Just glad I only had to deal with Rowan who doesn't run or yell or talk back, yet that is!

So anyway, here are a few pictures of the fun things we did at Lisa's house and some of the kids too. The weather was gorgeous today so we were even able to go play outside as well as inside!

All the kids!

Rowan played in the ball pit, okay she really just posed for a picture!

Rowan and Hadley, the two youngest girls! They were both ladybugs too.

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