Sunday, September 28, 2008

On the Road Again...

We had a busy weekend of travelling to get in before the dreaded return to work next week. Ed's grandparents hadn't seen Rowan yet because they aren't able to travel this far easily, so we decided to take the weekend to visit the Farley's and Smith's in IA and IL.

We left before 8am on Saturday and headed to Cedar Rapids IA first to visit Carol and Dick. Carol was on a little field trip home for the day from the nursing home when we arrived. She was very anxious to see Rowan as she has heard many wonderful things about her from Gma Sue. Rowan had a few big smiles for her inbetween her afternoon crabbiness! We even managed to get a group photo with our mini tripod. Carol and Dick got a kick out of Ed running to get in the photo, he even managed to do it without tripping and falling.
When we left the Farley household we headed about 15 minutes to Marion IA to stop and see Graham, Kim and Sydney! We were able to see their new home and visit with the new parents a bit. It was very nice! We are used to Rowan being the smaller baby (usually next to Breyson) but now next to Sydney she is the bigger baby. Although they really are very comparable in size, Rowan's got her by a few pounds!
From Marion, we headed to Moline to visit Papa, Gma Jan and the rest of the family. Most of the family was busy at weddings and birthday parties Saturday night, so after dinner we got to sit and relax and visit with Papa and Gma Jan (this doesn't happen often because usually there are a ton of people around) So that was enjoyable. Then Sunday morning we headed over to Chuck and Meg's house for breakfast and to see the rest of the Smith clan! Cousin Nicki and her boyfriend Larry were in town for the weekend from San Diego, and Tara and Eric and the boys were home from Dubuque, Holly came home from school, and Graham and Kim drove over too for the day. So we got to catch up with most of the Smith's and share Rowan with all of them.

On a side note, if I calculated correctly, Rowan is great-grandchild #12 for Papa and Gma Jan. Then came Sydney (#13), and on Thursday (September 25) Chad and Jessica delivered their 4th little girl (Kate Marie) who is great-grandchild #14. Tara is pregnant with her 3rd, who will make #15 (due in March). There aren't many people that can say they had that many great-grandchildren!
We were on the road home just after noon, Rowan did great in the car. She actually slept the entire ride home. Ed wasn't very happy because we couldn't get the Packer game on the radio (not such a bad thing considering how they played!) We did get to hear the end of the Brewer game which was exciting, Go Brewers!!

Well, this is my last week of maternity leave, back to reality next Monday!

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