Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Maternity Leave is Over...

So, I headed back to work last night...

It was a bit rough to say the least. I lost it on my way to work, but pulled myself together before arriving to work. Then of course everyone was asking how I was handling it and were surprised there were no tears, so I almost lost it again, but I held it together.

The night was very long. I was very tired, since my bedtime has been 930-10pm for the last month at least. My back is killing me today, I haven't been on my feet for 12+ hours for 3 months. So I am feeling that today big time.

(Despite not wanting to leave my baby and dreading being back at work, it was great to catch up with a few of my closest work friends that were on last night. And I shared plenty of pictures of our happy little family and adorable baby girl!)

I called Ed around 9:45pm, and Rowan had just gone to bed. Which is a little later than usual, but not terrible. So I thought things would be fine for the two of them. Turns out the night was a bit rough for both of them. Rowan got up like 3-4 times through the night, so Ed got a run for his money. Perhaps he should have practiced this night time wakings before I went back to work. Oh well, I warned him. At least it can only be better.

I stayed up a bit with Rowan this morning when I got home, fed her and dressed her, and then headed to bed. I slept pretty well, got up at 1:45 pm. And by 3pm Rowan and I were napping together on the couch. Ed went and napped elsewhere, needless to say, we should all be caught up from our rough first nights.

Now it is time for bed, but I think I am all caught up with blogging!

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