Thursday, October 16, 2008

14 Weeks Old..

Again...every week her pictures get better and better!

Since we didn't really have a new outfit to share this week, we have a new hair accessory to share! Perfect for the fall weather we are enjoying. I would have liked to get some pictures outside, but there aren't enough leaves on the ground yet, maybe next week if it isn't too cold.

News to add...
I guess we are really just adjusting to me being back to work. It hasn't been easy. Rowan is giving Ed a run for his money, which makes me feel guilty for leaving them, and that leads to conflict between Ed and I. But there aren't any options, we have bills to pay, so I have to work. Hopefully it will get easier, but I have a feeling that working night shift full time isn't going to make it any easier! I will just have to suck it up and deal with it, but it is an emotional subject for me! Sometimes I feel like I am still pregnant with all the emotions I have flowing, I think it truly is the love you have for your child!

So anyway, enough about me. Rowan for the most part is doing great! She has her moments of extreme temperment, but the smiles make you forget about those moments really quick.

There are a ton of pictures this week, we just got too many good ones, I couldn't choose which ones to post! So enjoy them all, more in the photo album!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the new head "piece"! She sure does get cuter and cuter! I look forward to another get together soon! Hang in sure is good to have you back at work!