Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's A Miracle...

Rowan slept from 10:30pm last night until 7am this morning! I woke up at 5am, looked at the clock and couldn't believe my eyes. I had to listen to make sure she was still breathing. I decided to get up and pump since it had been several hours, and expected Rowan to wake up any minute. I finished pumping and she was still sleeping so I laid back down in bed, but every little movement or noise she made I woke up expecting her to be waking up, but nope, not until 7am. I can't believe it. I got 6 straight hours of sleep, but yet I am still exhausted! I have much catching up to do from the last month. It will never happen, I have come to grips with that. I have a feeling we are going to have a rough day if she slept all night, but so far she ate and is sleeping currently.

Now I need to back up a couple days and update you all.

Monday morning I decided to call the Pediatrician and consult him about the possibility of Rowan having reflux. Surprisingly the Ped called me back within 2 hours and agreed to try treating it and see if her lack of sleep and fussiness during the day gets better. I didn't really have to talk him into the idea, I think I had plenty of symptoms to back up my reasoning. And I am willing to try anything at this point. We had started to mix formula in with my breastmilk to wean her to formula to see if she was better off of breastmilk, but that only last 48 hours and I felt too guilty using formula so I stopped. Therefore I didn't do it long enough to see a change. Then I was thinking about eliminating dairy from my diet to see if perhaps it was a milk allergy. But since the Pediatrician agreed to start her on Zantac for reflux, I am putting the dairy idea on hold also. If I don't have to give up ice cream I don't want to. That truly is the only source of dairy in my diet, a little cheese and yogurt here and there, but that is it. So we will see. The plan is to treat her for 2 weeks and see if she is better. Cross your fingers with me!

Last night we had a few visitors. My mom was in town for work so she spent the night with us. Also, my dear friend Nicole from work and her husband Scott came over to see us too. Rowan got some good holding time in with Nicole, experienced nurses know how to keep her quiet! She didn't sleep at all but she was content, Nicole probably has some sore arms and legs from rocking and bouncing her for an hour straight. They both seemed to enjoy it though! And a typical male response to small babies, Scott wasn't interested in holding her, he is waiting for his own before he has to do the work. As I was thinking about updating the blog, I realized I never took any pictures of our visitors with Rowan last night, very unlike me! Next time!

Sorry about the post with no pictures. Tomorrow there will be 5 week pictures, stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Rowan!!! Do Scott and I need to come over every night? Glad you let mom and dad get some good sleep! We had a great visit and can't wait to see you again soon!
Nicole & Scott

Lisa said...

It's kinda scary the first night they sleep all night. I know I didn't sleep well because I kept thinking the baby would be getting up any minute and I would check the bassinet frequently to be sure they were okay.

I hope the reflux meds help. What you are going through sounds all too familiar? I did all those things with Mason too. I don't drink milk either, but cutting dairy out of my diet was way too hard. I couldn't do it. I hope you get some relief soon. Eventually something has got to help. I just hope for you and Ed's sake (Rowan's too)that you figure it out sooner rather than later.