Thursday, August 7, 2008

4 Weeks Old...

This is the same dress that we brought Rowan home from the hospital in! It fits much better now, and actually the bonnett is a little small. We wore this dress today because it was the only hat that fit her head okay with going to the zoo, but since she slept through the entire zoo trip, we didn't even need the hat! More zoo stories in next post!

4 Week update...
There really isn't much to say about what Rowan does these days. Yesterday and today were her best sleeping days. She seems to sleep fine at night, but has had some long, fussy days. The doctor said at her 2 1/2 week check up that in the next week or two she should start sleeping more during the day, sounds like she was going through a growth spurt the last week or two. We are hoping this is the start of her figuring out how to eat and nap longer during the day, we will see.

Otherwise, she is sort of starting to have some quiet alert times during the day, thus the playmat coming out. Hoping to get some more tummy time in in the near future, she really does have some strong neck muscles already.

She is still wearing newborn clothes and newborn diapers, but we are starting to get close to outgrowing them both. She has lots of summer 0-3 month clothes to wear before Fall gets here. Hoping we get to wear them all at least once before it gets too cold. Obviously she is growing by leaps and bounds, thus the chubby cheeks, she even has a roll forming on her upper arms. She was such a peanut at birth, and is growing so fast! Hard to believe I am going to have to start retiring some of her clothes soon, will save them for the next child since we have plenty of neutral outfits!

I am sure I am leaving out some important milestones that have come and gone, but my time to post is limited. Will add more photos to the photo album asap!

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