Sunday, August 10, 2008

Visitors, Grilling, and Baptisms...

Well, we have had a busy last couple of days filled with visitors, family, friends, and fun!

We will start with Friday! Just before lunch on Friday my dear friend Lisa came over to visit with her two children Maya and Mason. Lisa hasn't seen us since the night we had Miss Rowan. Lisa was working and had come down to visit while I was laboring and was on her way out of work when Rowan was born and stopped for a quick visit to discover whether we had had a boy or girl! So Rowan has grown quite a bit since she last saw her in person. We realized how much child proofing of our home we will have to do as Rowan grows. We didn't prepare for Maya (2 1/2 years old) and Mason (1 year old) like we should have, not to mention we are a bit more uptight about things like dogs around kids, and dog hair and other things that didn't seem to phase Lisa or her kids. But it was very nice to see them and get a little update on all my long lost friends from work and all the drama that comes along with it. We didn't get to chat as much as we would have liked as Lisa was busy with her own kids and trying to enjoy our fussy little one as well. We will be getting together again soon for a bit more laid back visit hopefully. But it was nice to have them visit.
Saturday, Ed worked and I had a couple more visitors. Aunt CJ and Jenny came to see Rowan for the first time. Everyone comes bearing gifts when they visit, which is very thoughtful but very unnecessary also. So we visited with them awhile and Rowan got some good holding time in. Of course she woke up the minute they left and she wasn't held anymore. (Believe me we are not trying to get her used to being held, but she does tend to sleep better when held and moving constantly, she is too young to work the system yet anyway!)Saturday afternoon when Ed was done working we went over to the Swan residence to visit with Casey who is home for a few days and enjoy the nice weather. We were at their house maybe 20 minutes and it started to rain, so the pool party moved inside rather quickly. Brad and Cheryl had a wonderful spread of food for us all, pork tenderloin, chicken (grilled on "The Egg") tuna salad, cheesy potatoes, apple salad, beverages, you name it, they had it. It was wonderful! Casey, Jake and Bentley are all home, and of course they had a little something for Rowan, I was expecting some Gator attire, but apparently that is to come. But Jake got Rowan her first pair of Nike's! Super cute! We had to try them on of course. Can't wait until they actually fit her.
Along with poor Casey coming home, comes several hair cuts and colors. So the party was partly in the garage as well as Casey was busy highlighting and cutting hair for the majority of the time we were there. She is so generous. I hate to say, but I was one of the people keeping her busy, but my hair was probably in need the most!

Then today (Sunday) we attended Breyson's Baptism party in Mukwonago. We didn't make it to the church for the actual baptism, but we joined them all in the afternoon. The weather was very nice but it was a bit chilly in the shade with the wind gusts at the Schuett residence. We visited with family and then came home to relax. At least that is what I am supposed to be doing, but instead I am updating the blog. I tend to get my priorities mixed up every once in awhile, Rowan and Ed are napping and I am typing away, oh well.
Last, but not least, I have some random pictures of Rowan that we've taken over the last couple of days. Enjoy, she is growing so fast.

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