Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2 Blissful Years...

Ed and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary today...hard to believe it has been that long already. But look at all the things we have accomplished...okay so maybe there really aren't that many accomplishments...but our most exciting obviously came on July 10th, 2008. Hope you all aren't sick of hearing about her yet, because she truly is the center of our universe, and we devote our lives to her now. She deserves our undivided attention and that she will receive.

We didn't do anything exciting for our anniversary. Ed worked the early part of the day, and we spent the afternoon running errands to get ready to leave on our little vacation to MI tomorrow. It was nice just to have some time together, we now refer to it as 'family' time, there isn't much 'us' time anymore, we are okay with that, for now, not ready to leave the little squirt out of our sight quite yet. Soon enough.

Happy Anniversary Honey! I love you! 2 years down and many to come!

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