Thursday, August 21, 2008

6 Weeks Old...

A little update on Rowan's newest happenings...

Well she has started smiling a bit more...more of a smirk if you ask me, I am waiting for the all out smile, or I guess a more frequent smile. She has had many blow out diapers we like to call them. She has explosive liquid poop that manages to get out of the diaper and onto the clothing. Not fun to rinse poop out of clothing, it is hard enough to get the onesie off without bathing her in poop.

We are still fighthing the fussiness. She had been started on Zantac last week. And as of Wednesday we are now trying Prevacid because I didn't feel Zantac was doing anything. The only next option is to try her on Soy formula. I am going to give the Prevacid a week and then try Soy. I was on soy as a baby therefore I think that might be the underlying issue. So we will see. Stay tuned for an update at 7 weeks.

We have now graduated to size 1 diapers from newborn. Maybe we were running out of room in the diaper and that is why our poop was escaping! She is still wearing newborn clothing though. I hate to say it but I don't think we are going to get to wear all the summer 0-3 month outfits. Unless we have an abnormally warm September, we will see.

Rowan does have more quiet alert moments where she interacts with us or with her play mat, but the fact that she cries after she eats is a trigger that we aren't completely headed in the right direction. I hope to figure it out before I go back to work! I can't believe my maternity leave is half over already.

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