Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The last few days...

I haven't been doing a good job keeping up the blog this last week, Rowan has really sent a tornado through this household! So I need to back up and review a few things that we used to revolve our lives around before she came!

First of all, Ed is still playing hockey! He had a game on Monday July 14th, yes he left us ladies home alone for the first time, and we survived, as did Ed. They won their game, he scored a goal and had a couple assists, and for the record, his first game with NO penalty minutes. He had been leading the league in most penalty minutes, not really something to be proud of. Then he had another game on Sunday July 20, against the worst team in the league according to Ed, and they lost. No goals, no assists, and 2 penalty minutes, not too bad. And he is no longer leading the league in penalty minutes, yahoo!!!

Next, the house. Our house has sort of been put on the back burner since Rowan joined us as well. Both inside and out! We have had a running list of things that need to be done around the house as far as small projects and some larger. We were slowly chiseling away at them, and we are now just starting to look at the list again, well Ed is at least. I can't even find time to clean the house at this point. Just basic tidying and cleaning gets done around here lately. But towards the end of last week, Ed was getting rather bored being off of work and stuck in the house with us ladies, so he decided to start to tackle the last of our landscaping that needs to be done on the one side and back of the house. So that is now a work in progress, pictures to come. We finally have new blinds on every window in the house, well at least every window that has new molding. So that leaves just the two spare bedroom windows that need molding and blinds, then that project will be done. We just need to stain the molding and get it hung, another work in progress.

So I think that sums up the things that were important in our lives before Rowan was born. Now our lives revolve around her which is why not so much is getting done these days.

So here are Rowan's latest happenings...

She has decided that sleeping and eating aren't the only things she likes to do, for the last 3-4 days she has had awake periods ranging from 3-6 hours at a time. They have at least been during the day and not the middle of the night. But these aren't quiet alert awake periods, they are eat a little here and there, cry a little, fall asleep maybe 30 minutes, just kidding I'm awake again, change another diaper, eat a little more, this is the marathon until she is finally too exhausted to stay awake any longer. She doesn't realize that it is impossible to get anything done when she is like this because there is nothing that satisfies her other than Ed or I during these times. No swinging, no bouncy chair, and of course no Pack n Play for longer than 30 minute cat naps. Therefore I get nothing done, no napping, no cleaning, no pumping, no laundry, nothing. Therefore there has been no catching up on sleep.

We have been pumping and feeding from a bottle for several days to rest the breasts, tried to put her back to breast today a couple times and she just wasn't having that at all, not to mention one side is looking rough again already. So not sure what the future is going to be with breastfeeding in this household. This whole pumping business really takes a toll on me too, if I am not feeding her, I am pumping, or cleaning pump parts or bottles, or emptying the dishwasher, or pumping again. It is just very time consuming, and I think it is wearing on me more than I thought it would. Yes, I always wanted to do what was best for my baby, and to this day she has had nothing but breastmilk, but it is getting to the point where my sanity and lack of sleep are going to become more important than the 'liquid gold'. We will see, I am not giving in quite yet, but I am married to the pump it feels like, I can't be away for more than 3 hours or I develope rocks on my chest, and leak like a faucet. And that isn't the way I want it to be. I always said I would breastfeed if it worked, I would never be a nazi about having to breastfeed, but now I don't want to give up too quickly. So stay posted for our future in breastfeeding?

Otherwise, Rowan has been a bundle of joy. We realize how unpredictable babies are and can be, so we just roll with the punches day after day and know that it will get better at some point. Interested to see how much she has grown at her next Pediatrician appointment in about a week, she already looks to be getting bigger and filling out.

We are going on our first road trip this weekend to MI for cousin Kieran's 1st birthday party. Could be an interesting ride? Gizmo will be sitting this first one out, we have our hands full enough with Rowan!

1 comment:

Cora said...

Where is the latest cute baby picture? You can't do a post without a photo anymore!

And do what works best for YOU (and Rowan) when it come to the BF. At least she's gotten the collustrum, and I'll remind you that no one has yet died from consuming formula.

I remember when my milk was not enough for Amelia. She was so pissed that it made BF hell for us both. The burden and weight that was lifted from my shoulders when I stopped was tremendous. Good luck, I know that it is a hard, and often guilt riden decision.