Thursday, July 24, 2008

2 Weeks Old...

Rowan is now 2 weeks old!!
Again, it wasn't easy getting a picture of her not crying, but we succeeded with a few cute ones. Check the photo album for some others, including outtakes!
This was about the most content she was all day, getting her jammies on just hanging out naked!


Lisa said...

She's a beautiful little girl!

Cora said...

oh yeah...she really is a cutie!

I'm at work (and bored out of my gourd) and was thinking about your twin's issues. Have you tried using a nipple shield? Would that possibly make things less painful because she'd be sucking on the plastic instead of your actual nipple? Just a scatterbrained 2am idea, but I thought that I'd put it out there. (you can get them at babies r us)

WI Smith family said...

She looks SO alert! She will get spoiled and held a lot this weekend - that should give you a little break!