Sunday, September 8, 2019

weekend recap

Squirt A tryouts started our Friday night. He was lucky number 6 on black, and was thrilled to have his picture taken as you can see. We weren't allowed to watch the tryouts, so no idea how he did other than his feedback, which isn't much.
Saturday morning started with some family screen time...or Fortnite for this group. They send me this picture from the basement because I am not interested in participating.
This then lead to...operation cut down dead tree by trampoline. Which took longer than expected. After picking Rowan up from gymnastics it was all hands on board to finish it before having to head out for Blake's birthday party! Eddie helped by driving tractor too...this has become a favorite past time for both kids, but there is a sensor on the seat so it shuts off if you fall off, and Eddie barely weighs enough if he is in the perfect position. So if he lifts his butt even the slightest bit, the tractor tries to shut off. Which leads to frustration for Eddie and Ed both. 
Then it was shower and get ready fast because we have a Toy Story party to get to!

Fun afternoon with food, yard games, cake, piƱata, you name it. 
Sunday, Eddie was back at the rink for round 2 of Squirt A tryouts. Quite the outfit he was sporting.
Sunday evening we had to help Nana and Papa and pick Twiggy up from daycare, feed her, walk her and take her out. They were in MI for the weekend and we cannot help watch her for fear of Gizmo getting too excited and having breathing issues. So we help in this way instead. She is good to go to rest until they get home tonight.

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