Sunday, September 15, 2019

my 1st NY trip

 Day One!!
We arrived in NY before 10am, had a 50 min Uber ride from La Guardia to the Financial District. 

Mitch met us at his apartment to leave off our luggage, then he headed back to work and we grabbed some lunch at a BBQ joint near his apartment. 
Then we headed and did the... 
After that we headed to Ground Zero and the 9/11 museum. Which took several hours. 
 After the museum we headed back towards Mitch's apartment and met him and Gabby out for appetizers and drinks. We weren't really hungry at that point, and had been up since 3am. So we headed back to their apartment and watched a Netflix show and ordered pizza.
DAY 2...
Mitch and Gabby worked, so we ventured via subway downtown to take a one day bus tour. It is so amazing downtown NY City. We got to see them preparing to film a GMA series on the Lion King. Walked in circles for a half hour trying to find the right bus to board...details. But we got there. 
 We didn't even do all of the bus tour options available, but we saw A LOT. Mitch joined us late afternoon in Chinatown.
We headed back to the apartment late afternoon to freshen up and get ready for dinner. After dinner we hit up a few more sights. I really wanted to see downtown at night, all lite up in the dark. But man, that is when the crazies come out. We went to Do, thankfully shared so we could try it all. Another long day of walking, fresh air, lots of memories.
Saturday morning we hit up a bottomless brunch, arrived at the perfect time to get the last table inside without a reservation. Food was great, mimosas greater and company the greatest. Then we headed for some shopping before seeing Chicago. Best.decision.ever. Gabby threw this idea out last minute because tickets were buy one get one free or something, so was a great deal. And it was awesome. Would definitely see another show next trip. Saw a few more sights, Rockafeller Center, Radio City. Did the HiLine walk...then ubered over to Katz's Deli for dinner. We wrapped up the night on their rooftop hangout with a few beers. Sadly we are heading home tomorrow. What a great trip. Short and sweet but full of memories and saw so much!!

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