Saturday, September 21, 2019

Quite the weekend...Luke, sod removal and first meet!!

 We were supposed to have both Blake and Luke this weekend overnight Saturday while Amanda and Peter were at a wedding, but of course Rowan's first meet fell on Saturday evening. So Grandma and Grandpa agreed to take them, and we took Luke Friday night during the rehearsal dinner instead. Blake is in the wedding so he got to go to the dinner with them. Luke was up twice during the night, which is standard for him. Then we got to have him up until his second nap after lunch time.
While Luke napped in the morning, we were busy outside prepping for landscaping by tearing out sod. Luke did perfect, slept until we were about done actually. 
Back to tractor driving, Eddie used me for my weight to be able to drive. He just needed me to sit in the right spot so the tractor wouldn't turn off on him.
After Luke's nap, we played a bit, fed him lunch. Then took him over to Grandma and Grandpa's for his afternoon nap so we could get ready for Rowan's meet. 

Started out the year with the Sweet Treat meet in Oak Creek. 
Since Rowan is 11 now, she is in the older girl group. So for this meet, just 11+ was in this group and the other girls competed earlier. 
Rowan brought it tonight!! 4 medals. 
 And MWT took home 1st place. We got put in charge of bringing the trophy to practice on Monday.
 And she has already qualified for the State Meet.
Our fans for the night. Grace lives in Oak Creek so she joined in on the fun this year! So glad to have her and be able to catch up. Thankful for all of these people that love to support our kids was much as we do.

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