Sunday, June 11, 2017

Someone is 90!!

Here is an immediate recap of our fun filled day celebrating Grandpa Dick turning 90....and Ed too a little. Great Grandpa Dicks caregivers came, all of us grandkids and great grandkids, cousins, brother in law, nieces etc. Lots of catching up and fun! Thankfully the weather was wonderful. And per usual, we had way too much food.
Sue and her cousins and brother!
Hudson and I!! 
The Smith II Family! 
The birthday boys!
All of us with Great Grandpa Dick. 
So great to see a smile on his face...but he will be exhausted after we all leave.
Nana made Grandpa Dick a chocolate cake...his favorite. It was delicious. Our kids are generally chocolate lovers when it comes to cake and frosting...but they had multiple pieces each.
And the calm after the storm...Obviously we had to head home at some point. After a fun weekend, it will be a long drive home in our beat up Explorer.

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