Thursday, September 8, 2016

Eddie's 1st day of Kindergarten

Every kids 1st day starts with a treat in this house...more donuts!
Our Kindergartener!
These two are growing way too fast.
The bus stop!
And he is off...and I am tear free!
Walked this princess to school with Molly and Brooklyn, then went for a walk with Molly to take my mind off of things...
And it worked...for a little while. Then I ran errands, and it hit me.
I was sitting in the Ford waiting area while the Explorer got an oil change, and was texting pictures of Eddie on his first day...and people were asking how I was doing, and that was the end of the tear free day. Now I am that crazy lady staring at her phone with tears running down her face. How embarrassing! Pulled it together...then when the truck was done and I was driving to Costco I was bawling in the car...for no reason! He has been at school for hours now and I haven't been called and he is fine! Ran in and out of Costco...then Casey calls, and I can't even talk because I am crying! Ugh! Just a major change around here...I went from being home with the kids for 2 years to no one home! And they're both ready for school and good to go, but I've lost my identity I guess, at least for 40 hours of the week!
So anyway, thankfully I had enough packing to do for the weekend to occupy the rest of my day. Then it was time to get him off the bus...and he didn't come off with the rest of the kids! So I got on the bus looking for him! He was there, sitting with a neighbor friend who had to go to daycare after school so wouldn't be getting off here, which is what confused Eddie! All was well.
The cutest part of his day, saddest for him of course, was at lunch when an adult helped him throw away his garbage and threw out his Fudge Stripe cookies that he was bringing home to eat after school. Poor kid was in tears! Luckily we had more bags for him.

After talking about his day, it was time to pack up and hit the road for Glen Ellyn IL for the BBQ competition on Saturday. One more practice cook tomorrow and some family time before hand.

We purchased this trail hitch carrier last week to transport the smoker to IL! Worked great! Bring on the 6 hour drive!
Oh, and Eddie has mastered how to write Edward!

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