Friday, September 30, 2016

Mom left for the weekend...

I left this afternoon to head back to Spooner WI with Jess! I was invited to Jess's ladies weekend at the cabin and Cranberry Fest! We met the rest of the group (8 of us tonight, 11 tomorrow), at the cabin, then headed out for dinner, then back to hang out! Tried not to stay up too late knowing we have a big day tomorrow, lots of walking and fresh air, and shopping!
But, before the kids headed to bed, I got this! So nice to know I am missed.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

last game-ish

Tonight was supposed to be Eddie's last game of flag football...against his buddy Asher's team, The Vikings! So Asher and his family got cookies for both teams for the last night! But...Tuesday's game was cancelled due to rain, so we have one more game next Tuesday! Good game by both boys!

Monday, September 26, 2016

all decked out pink and gymnastics!

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Sporting her MN Magicians shirt for hockey today! Had to share with the MI family hockey players!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

in person

Caught some of Rowan on the ice first hand this weekend...and every weekend for the forseen future! Eddie too!

Friday, September 23, 2016

game with giz

Just trying to play a little game of Qwirkle...and apparently Gizmo felt left out.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

thursday in the gym

Just a little gymnastics update...getting stronger every day!

a package!

Turns out over the weekend, Grandma and Rowan did some online shopping! And her package arrived today...biggest smile ever!
What was leotard and shorts!
And we had a little rain last night...will this river ever go away?

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Flag football @ the HS field

Tonight, Eddie's team, The Untouchables, got to play their flag football game on the High School field (along with the rest of the league)! Was a pretty cool experience for the kids! Hard for them to tell where the appropriate lines were though!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

home for the Packers

We were on our way home this morning by lunchtime! We had to get back for an afternoon hockey session and to get Grandma and Grandpa on their way Jess and Brian were heading to the Packer vs Vikings game this evening.
After hockey, our neighbor fans shared their purple cupcakes with us...Rowan was a fan of the treat, but said, 'Go Packers'!
Supporting the Green and Gold tonight!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Fall Warm up starts!

Today was the first day of Fall Warm offered for 10 sessions prior to the season evaluations. Rowan decided this summer that she wanted to play hockey, so this is her first go around with hockey and being completely suited up! Felt guilty not being there and having to have Grandma and Grandpa take her...but with much instruction and direction, they all did great. Grandma even shared these pictures with us from their day...while we were off relaxing!
Rowan's session was in the early afternoon, with not much time in between before Eddie's, they visited McDonald's for a snack and playtime versus wasting a trip home.
This guy is well versed in suiting up and playing hockey...been skating almost a full year between clinic, spring league, summer training program and then this!
Meanwhile, in on Rooney Lake...Mom and Dad are enjoying themselves. We had a pretty low key day, weather was cloudy and cool most of the we watched football and relaxed for most of it. Then in the evening we went out for a boat ride before heading out for pizza and few beers. Was a later night last night, and some individuals weren't on their game today because of it, which will more than likely lead to an early night tonight. Just what the doctor ordered!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Picture day...then headed to WI

 Today was picture day at school! Had to get my own before sending them off.
This afternoon, Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam came to watch the kids for us for the weekend so we could head to Spooner WI with Brian and Jess for a mini adult getaway! We were on the road by about 445pm...hung out at the cabin waiting for Liz and Dave to arrive, then out for dinner. After dinner we stopped at another bar...then headed back to the cabin. Was a lovely night of uninterrupted fun. And it was Jess's had to make sure she had an Odouls to celebrate!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Eddie's room pretty much done! Have to patch the curtain rod area, and get that back up, maybe something for the wall eventually. But all painted with new bedding!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Watch out for that running back #4!

stupid menards

So annoyed...a couple weeks ago when I got paint for Rowan's room, I requested a can of grey and a can of purple. Got home, painted 3 grey walls, went to paint purple and it wasn't purple, it was grey too. But I kept the paint can because I plan to use the same color in Eddie's room. So I just went back to Menards for a can of purple.
Now today, I trimmed grey in Eddie's room using what was left in the first can, then moved onto second can of grey to roll, and this is what I got! Turns out the can of grey that was supposed to be purple initially was mixed in the purple base and not the back to Menards I went to get the right grey, very unhappily. Ugh, so annoyed! Thankfully I only rolled  1 1/2 walls, but still wasted my time and have to go back to Menards.

Monday, September 12, 2016

recovery...for one at least

This is why Ed took off of work at school, wife painting and he is napping.
My newest project for the week! Eddie's room before...

Sunday, September 11, 2016

home sweet home

We were on the road before 10am this morning and arrived around 3pm!
Welcomed by our pup who was taken care of by the best neighbors ever! Pretty awesome when in MN your dog cheers for the right team when in the right care!
Gizmo and Vana!