Thursday, June 23, 2016

Wedding prep and rehearsal

Time to get pretty nails...
Was a small group for nails today being it is a Thursday. Some of the girls went earlier in the week!
Rowan wanted nothing more than to soak her feet like the big girls! Happy girl!
After nails we headed to Western Lakes to drop off all of the wedding accessories for the reception. Then we headed out for Mexican for lunch before showering and getting ready for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.
Rowan thought she was pretty cool with her root beer bottle.
Grandma Julie couldn't join us because she had to get showered and pick Uncle Mitch up from the airport before rehearsal!
We were at Western Lakes by 430pm and ready to practice. After we did a couple of run throughs, we were off to Genesee to Peter's Dad's house, where they hosted a great dinner!
Sibling love!
Ed and Eddie headed back to Nana and Papa's house to sleep, and Rowan and I went to Country Springs hotel to spend the night with Amanda before her big day tomorrow!

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