Friday, June 10, 2016

Happy Birthday to these 2!

Today is Ed's birthday...and he took off on a plane this morning to spend the day with his Grandpa Dick in Cedar Rapids, IA...he too is celebrating his birthday today!
While Ed is away playing with family...the kids and I, along with the Nalipinski family, are having a garage sale! Bring your cash and buy something.
Ed was so nice to rub in the chocolate covered strawberries they were enjoying...thanks to his brother and sister in law, Dusty and Julie!
Nana and Uncle Blayne joined them for the day to visit for Great Grandpa Dick's birthday as well. Too bad flights home for Ed and Blayne didn't work so well. Due to cancellations, Blayne ended up having to rent a car and drive 5 hours home...and Ed changed flights and got home earlier but was delayed and got a free voucher out of the deal. Good day for most...

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