Saturday, June 18, 2016

Amanda's Final Fling!

I don't even know where to start describing the funnest time ever!
So, I drove to Lyndon Station last night, slept at my Mom and Bill's house, then headed early this morning to Pewaukee. I stopped in Nashotah to leave a Father's day gift off and visit for a few minutes, then on to buy ice and finish getting ready for this monumental day!
About 1145am, Amanda, Kathy, Julie, Hachey and I were on the road to downtown Milwaukee to meet the rest of the group. We met at the Plaza Hotel (where we stayed), combined all our goods into the Wanner van, and were on our way to Miller Park to tailgate before the Kenny Chesney Concert!
Here we are all crammed in the van! Was tight but could have been much worse! Worked out perfect!
We literally got right into the parking lot, before 2pm, and operation claim your territory began. And before you knew it, we were all set up! Thank the lord we brought a tent. It was steamy out and it was much more tolerable in the shade. Here is our before picture!
Our group for the day and night!
Sober ladies!
While we were hanging good friend Jennie contacted me...she and her family were tailgating super close to us, so we got to meet up and catch up briefly. Always wish it was longer! Jennie was a bridesmaid in my wedding...almost 10 years ago!
Here is a collection of memories from the day. We had a party sub from the Chocolate Factory, and then we all brought sides to go with it. Way too much food, like usual. But we ate well. We had penis straws, we had pin the pecker on Petey, we had some undies for Amanda to guess who brought which pair for her, Amanda make around $90 throughout the day with Suck for a Buck (bouquet of dum dums I made), and we had an awesome sign courtesy of Color Ink as well. So much fun!
The opening acts started at 5pm...but we didn't start packing up until after that, and probably weren't in the stadium until almost 6pm. So we didn't see much of the side bands, sadly, but we were having way too much fun. Stopped to get some of the ladies their long island iced teas...and beers for the rest.
Acquired some interesting paraphernalia while waiting in line.... 
Eventually we made it to our seats...but then we needed snacks and bathroom breaks, so I was able to run up a level and meet up with another friend/bridesmaid of mine, Crystal (and her husband Garrett)
We then finally found our seats and stayed for the one and only Kenny! What a great show! 
After the concert...the parking lot was at a stand still, so we hung out outside the van and ate some leftovers, drank some non-alcoholic beverages and chilled. Sadly Lizzie left mid concert with a bad migraine, and Sarah escorted her home safely. Thankfully, Jay (Tiffany's husband) came to drive us and the van back to the hotel safely. Turns out Amanda had had her share of fun by this time, so we checked into our room finally at midnight and turned in for the night. 

Here is our end of the night picture...rough crowd!

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