Thursday, June 30, 2016

birthday gal

Happy birthday one day early to this young lady! We will all be up north WI tomorrow, so Karen and Doug celebrated with her early!

finally done

Our 4 day, camp each, plus soccer, gymnastics and hockey....never again. What was I thinking?
But this boy was SOOOO....excited about the basketball he got from camp this week.
This week in a nutshell...
The last Bears chant after camp...
Rowan's week recap...
Then there is hockey after gymnastics this morning, basketball camp, volleyball camp, and then soccer practice for Rowan.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

day 3

 Basketball, Park time, Volleyball, Soccer game!
When you're at the park and you find art like is definitely picture worthy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

camp break

Today was only slightly less gymnastics! But we did basketball camp, stopped at McDonalds for a cold treat, then off to volleyball camp, and then soccer game for Rowan at 7pm. I have been living out of the truck these last 2 days...brought lunch and snacks to get through the day.

Monday, June 27, 2016

let the chaos begin

These photos sum up my day...for the most part!
Started the day with gymnastics at 1130am...
Dropped Eddie off at basketball camp at 1230p...
Basketball camp ended at 145pm....then we went to pick Rowan up from gymnastics at 2pm! To head to Volleyball camp for Rowan starting at 230pm!
Volleyball camp ended at 430p, we ran home to eat dinner quick, and then off to soccer practice for Eddie at 6pm. We were pulling in for the day at 730pm! Repeat tomorrow!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

sunday quiet time

When you get home from an exhausting weekend, sometimes you just need some cartoons!
So nice to see a smile on my Grandpa's face...these two haven't seen each other in over a month because my Grandma was in the hospital and now rehab! My Grandpa has alzheimers, doesn't say much...and doesn't smile much either. So to see that he was happy to see my Grandma took me to a happy place.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

1st tow

We hauled Nana and Papa's trailer home today with a patio table they were getting rid of! We have lots of open space on our deck/patio, so we took if off their hands. We literally made it home, unpacked back of truck and took straps off trailer and it started pouring! Thankfully it was a couple minutes then paused long enough for us to get the chairs and table out of the trailer and get the trailer in the garage!

the day after the BIG day

Can tell we had a late night last night...the kids would not wake up! Makes me feel old when I am up waiting for my kids to wake up! Rowan and I went to Dunkin Donuts this morning to get donuts for the family and coffee before we hit the waterpark! Visited with Grandma Julie, Kathy and Lance, Peter and Amanda, Mitch and Gabby, then swam a bit before packing up and heading to Nana and Papa's for lunch, get Gizmo, and hit the road back to MN.
Surprised they got Uncle Mitch to go down a slide or 2 with them!
I did the lazy river and a few water slides with them as well! 

Friday, June 24, 2016

A&P Wedding

A year and a half engagement later...and here we are! June 24th!
Of course, I was awake bright and early this I ran to Dunkin Donuts to get coffee and donuts for us ladies. We were so tired last night, we just chatted and crashed, didn't even drink the wine we had along! So we were out the hotel door on our way to The Yellow House for hair and makeup by 830am!
And the morning went very smoothly! Peter had flowers and some beautiful diamond earring delivered to Amanda! She was very surprised!
While we were at the Yellow House, Grandma Julie went to Western Lakes to assist in final set up. She spied this little boy on the putting green! Nothing like a little golfing with the big boys.
We were done right on time, by noon! And we were off to Western Lakes Golf Course to get dressed and ready for pictures. Amanda and Peter were having their first look at 1pm, and the rest of us needed to be to Retzer Nature Center by way of bus by 2pm for wedding party pictures.
After wedding party pictures, we headed back to Western Lakes to take family pictures.
Everyone was there on time, had their pictures done, then it was time to cool off and wait for 430p to come. So we all freshened up and waited, not that is was a long wait! Timing has been pretty good today.
I kept the tears in check...until this happened! And it was all Peter's fault. He didn't know about this sign, little secret Amanda had from him. At first he laughed, but then the water works came.
And then my sister rounded the corner, and it was over. She held it up, right until this moment which is probably when she saw Peter!
Ceremony went off without a hitch. Maybe some stumbled words, but that makes us human and gives us fond memories of the day.
Grandpa Kris and Grandma Julie
Grandpa Kris and Eddie
After the ceremony, we headed inside for cocktail hour. Time to mingle a little bit before dinner. This
Dinner was great...speeches were short sweet and to the point. Cake was delish!
When dinner was done, it was time to dance. But not before a few family shots.

Great Grandma Knutson and all of her sons and grandkids!
Amanda and Peter's first dance...
The kids waiting patiently for their turn to dance.
And there they go! 
Amanda and Grandpa Kris had their emotional turn too.
And the rest was history. 
Taking a much needed break from the dance floor.
Rowan and Eddie almost left the wedding around 10p with Nana and Papa, but Rowan was in tears because she didn't want to go. So they both ended up staying until the end with us. But by 11pm, this is where you found them...With Grandpa Kris watching over them.
It was such a perfect day for a perfect couple on their wedding day.
Have to be honest...with all the commotion and travelling for wedding festivities, I was sort of ready for this all to be done. But now that it's over, I look back, and I am sad. Thankful for all the wonderful memories and times we had in the last several months working up to this day.